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                                                      The first

                                                      yellow robes

                                                      in the West

                                                      By Venerable S. Dhammika

           Venerable Shravasti Dhammika was          After the Buddha preached his first sermon at Isipatana he gave
           born in Australia in 1951 into a Christian   this commission to his audience; “Wander forth for the good
           family, and became a Buddhist at the age   of the many, for the welfare of the many, out of compassion for
           of  18. In 1973, he went to Thailand with   the world. Let no two of you go in the same direction. Teach the
           the intention of becoming a monk then to   Dhamma that is lovely, in the beginning, the middle and the end.”
           Laos, Burma and finally to India. For the   From its very beginning Buddhist Sangha took this call to heart
           next three years, he traveled around India   and because they did the Dhamma eventually spread to every
           learning yoga and meditation, and finally   corner of Asia. And of the monks who undertook to proclaim the
           ordaining as a monk under Venerable       Dhamma far and wide none have been more energetic and ready
           Matiwella Sangharatna, the last disciple   to do so than those of Sri Lanka.
           of Anagarika Dharmapala. In 1976, he      It was Sri Lankan monks who spread Theravada to Burma and the
           went to Sri Lanka where he studied Pali   various kingdoms which made up what is now Thailand. It was
           at Sri Lanka Vidyalaya, and later became   they who probably helped Buddhism survive in south India for as
           a co-founder and teacher of Nilambe       long as it did. While most Sri Lankan monks left their island home
           Meditation Centre in Kandy. Since then,   as missionaries, others travelled as pilgrims, some did so out of
           he has spent most of his time in Sri Lanka   curiosity and a few were just looking for greener pastures. The
           and Singapore. Bhante  Dhammika is a      history of Asia is littered with snippets of information mentioning
           prolific writer and his books and essays   Sri Lankan monks in the most unexpected places.
           have been translated into more than 30
           languages.  He is also well-known for his   The Japanese monk Ennin was in China during the emperor
           public talks and represented Theravada    Wuzong’s persecution of Buddhism in 842-846. He was ordered
           Buddhism at the European Buddhist         to report to the local police office to have his permit cancelled and
           Millennium Conference in Berlin in 2000.    when he turned up there were two Sri Lankan monks there. What
           Bhante Dhammika  was the spiritual        they were doing in China we do not know. When Xuanzang was
           advisor to Singapore’s Buddha Dhamma      in India in the 5th century he travelled through parts of southern
                                                     India with a group of 70 Sri Lankan monks who were heading
           Mandala Society until his return to       for the north. A Sri Lankan monk named Anandasri was in Bodh
           Australia in early 2017.                  Gaya in the early 14th century from where he later visited Tibet.

                                                     One Tibetan source describes him as “foremost on the Sangha of
                                                     the island of Simhala … skilled in two languages, one who seeks
                                                     the benefit of the Dharma.” Numerous similar examples could
                                                     be given testifying to the fact that Sri Lankan monks were great
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