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‘Fight the Pandemic with Loving

                      YBAM 50th Anniversary Live Stream                                                                                           Kindness’ Fundraising Campaign

                                                          29/7/2020                                                                                                         28/3/2020 – 30/4/2020
                                                         Zoom Meeting

                                                                                                                                        YBAM Kelantan SLC Chairperson Yap Lie Hue and Secretary   YBAM  Melaka  SLC and Persatuan Buddhist Malaysia
               The  former  Chairperson  of  Puzhao  Buddhist  Vihara   Sek Chin Yong, the Immediate Past President of                  Leong Yun Yin handing over 500 face shields to Ms. Khalina,   Gemas contributing 200 sets of medical isolation gowns
               Management Committee, Chong Hung Wang, sharing      YBAM, sharing the duties and expectations of the                     a nurse of Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II Kota Bharu on   and face shields to Klinik Kesihatan Gemas.
               the challenges and obstacles during the construction   YBAM Standing Committees.                                         13th April 2020.
               of YBAM Puzhao Buddhist Vihara.

               YBAM General Secretary Hoi Jun Wai introducing the   Saw Hung Yeat conducting a game session with
               Administrative Structure of YBAM.                   the audience.                                                        YBAM Deputy Chairman Sin Yew Sen and KL/Selangor SLC handing over 10 sets of medical beds to Hospital Tengku Ampuan
                                                                                                                                        Rahmah Klang on 8th April 2020.

               Ven. Chi Chen, the Religious Patron of YBAM,        The Trainee Teachers Coordination Committee
               explaining the importance of blessings.             presenting a video presentation to celebrate
                                                                                                                                        YBAM Pahang SLC contributing masks and sanitizers to   YBAM Perak SLC contributing 1000 pieces of medical
                                                                   YBAM’s 50th Anniversary.
                                                                                                                                        Temerloh Hospital on 15th April 2020.                gloves and sanitizers to Taiping Hospital to support
                                                                                                                                                                                             frontline workers.
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