Page 118 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 118

of a firm that produces some quite good and necessary article,

             e.g. bread. If you work honestly and conscientiously at your job
             you can make it a form of Right Livelihood, even if not of Perfect

             Livelihood. (d) Occupations which do not involve undue mental
             strain. This is quite important nowadays, especially for those
             Buddhists who want to meditate. Even though your means of

             livelihood may not involve breaking any of the precepts, if it
             involves so much mental strain that you become tense and

             cannot meditate then, as a Buddhist, you have to consider your
             position and try to find work of a less stressful nature.

             (2) Vocation
             This sort of livelihood is the best of all, but it is very rare. We may

             define a vocation as a means of livelihood which is directly
             related to what one considers to be of ultimate importance in
             one's life. This will be different for different people. One thinks of

             medicine, or of the teaching profession. Someone might want to
             be a nurse because they wanted to relieve human suffering —

             which of course directly links up with Buddhism. Then there are
             the arts, or various creative activities. If one pursues them in a
             creative spirit and does not commercialize them, these also can

             be real vocations, and Perfect Livelihood in the very best sense.
             In Perfect Livelihood in the sense of vocation there is no

             difference between one's work and one's play. You enjoy your
             work so much, and are so immersed in it, that you do not mind
             even if you spend the whole of your waking life doing it. This is a

             very ideal state, and one which people — often through no fault
             of their own — are rarely able to achieve.

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