Page 126 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 126

not for the mentally crippled or the spiritually bed-ridden.

             Buddhism is for people who are prepared to make an effort,
             who are prepared to try. Of course you may fail. You may fail ten

             times, twenty times, even a hundred times — but that doesn't
             matter so much. The important thing is that you should make
             the effort, that you should try. Buddhism ' is not for those who

             are only prepared to sit back comfortably in their armchairs and
             read all about the efforts of other people. You know the sort of

             thing: you take The Life of Milarepa and you ensconce yourself
             by the side of the fire with perhaps a cup of tea and a plate of
             muffins, or a box of chocolates, and you munch your muffins or

             you nibble your chocolates, and you're all warm and cosy, and
             you read all about the austerities of Milarepa, and you think,

             'How fine!' and 'How wonderful!' Buddhism is not like that. It's
             not just reading about other people's efforts, but being
             prepared to make at least a minimum of effort ourselves. For a

             long time a wrong image of Buddhism prevailed in Buddhist
             circles in this country. The impression was that Buddhism was

             intended primarily for old ladies — and when I say old ladies I
             am not being disrespectful to our female senior citizens. When I
             say 'old ladies' I mean old ladies of both sexes and all ages. Far

             from being meant for people of this description, Buddhism is a
             very demanding and exacting sort of Path, and as such is for the

             young and vigorous — either for those who are physically and
             mentally young, or at least those who are mentally and
             spiritually young, whatever their age and whatever the state of

             their bodies may be.

             Perfect Effort is twofold. There is a general Perfect Effort, and a

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