Page 82 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 82

We have apparently strayed a long way from Perfect Speech, and
             it might seem strange, if not paradoxical, that one should speak

             — especially at such length — in praise of silence. It is rather like
             that famous description of Carlyle's works: 'The Gospel of
             Silence, in forty volumes, by Mr. Wordy'. Therefore I had perhaps

             better conclude with the hope that it might now be obvious that
             much more is involved in Perfect Speech than at first might

             appear. Perfect Speech is not just Right Speech in the ordinary
             sense,      but    represents        the    Buddha's       Ideal     of    Human
             Communication: perfectly truthful, in the fullest sense, perfectly

             affectionate, perfectly helpful, and perfectly promoting concord,
             harmony and unity or perfectly self-transcendent.

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