Page 9 - Rehabilitation for Bedridden Elderly
P. 9
Life Education
Problem 1: Pressure sores
● One of the most preventable complications
● Occurs due to prolong lying in one position
● Worsen with poor nutrition, dry and wet skin and shearing
force during movement
● Skin over bony areas are higher risk
● Can cause discomfort, pain, infection, depression
● Common areas for pressure sores:
○ Wheelchair
■ Tailbone or buttocks
■ Shoulder blades and spine
■ Backs of arms and legs where they rest against
the chair
○ Bed:
■ The back or sides of the head
■ The shoulder blades
■ The hip, lower back or tailbone
■ The heels, ankles and skin behind the knees
Pressure sore grades:
Grade 1 Grade 2
Grade 3 Grade 4