Page 11 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 11

List of Tables and Figures


                 Table 1.1 Percentage of Chinese Religion in
                            Federated Malay State in 1911, 1921 and 1931.                       04

                 Table 1.2 Percentage of Malaysia Chinese Religion
                             in 1970, 1980, 1991, 2000                                          05

                 Table 1.3 Religious Demographics in Malaysia, 2010 and 2020                    06

                 Table 3.1 Possible factors that caused dissatisfaction towards
                            respondents’ previous religion.                                     40
                 Table 3.2 Challenges Faced After Converting Out of
                            Traditional Chinese Religions.                                      46

                 Table 3.3 Level of Satisfaction with Current Religion.                         47

                 Table 3.4 Positive Changes After Converting Out of
                            Traditional Chinese Religions.                                      48


                 Figure 2.1 Respondents’ Religion.                                              15
                 Figure 2.2 Respondents’ main reason for believing in religion.                 16

                 Figure 2.3 Intensity of Believing in Respective Religions.                     17

                 Figure 2.4. Religious influence towards life.                                  17

                 Figure 2.5. Factors contributing to respondents’ decision
                               to embrace current religion.                                     19

                 Figure 2.6. Family approval is important when it comes to matters
                               related to religion.                                             19
                 Figure 2.7. Religions help to improve family relationships.                    20

                 Figure 2.8. Important to pass on family’s religion.                            20

                 Figure 2.9. Religion provides spiritual support.                               21

                 Figure 2.10 Understand religious rituals.                                      22

                 Figure 2.11 Practice their religious rituals.                                  23

                 Figure 2.12 Percentage of respondents who agree they
                               have not doubted their religious rituals.                        23

                 Figure 2.13 Understand religion’s philosophy.                                  24
                 Figure 2.14 Understand religion’s history and development.                     24

                 Figure 2.15 Percentage of respondents who read religious scriptures and books.  25

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