Page 3 - Vinci_Standards A5_Work at Heigh
P. 3
Work at Height
1. Scaffolding
7. >150kg/m2
3. 4.
14. 12.
1. Only a competent, certified and trained person can erect scaffolding.
2. Only use one type/brand of scaffolding for each element, otherwise a Scaffolding Engineer/Certified Professional must specify and sign off on alternatives.
3. Scaffolding feet must have screw-jacks and be placed on base plates.
4. The ground conditions under the bearings must be checked.
5. Always connect bracings at node points.
6. Anchor points must be resistant to at least 300daN and one anchor point must be fixed every 4 metres with a frequency of 1 anchor every 12m2.
7. Scaffolding must be designed for a minimum of 150kg/m2. 8. The scaffolding tag must indicate the maximum number of
persons per span.
9. Edge protection must always have:
- top handrail at 105cm, able to handle a vertical effort of 125kg - mid-rail at 60cm, able to handle a vertical effort of 125kg
- toe-board at 10cm
- netting from at least toe-board to top handrail
10. Access tower staircases must always be outside and physically separated from the working deck.
11. Working decks must have full edge protection with openings not greater than 50cm2.
12. Staircases must be 80cm wide with:
- steps that are 18cm high and 18cm deep - a maximum of 15 steps between landings
13. Tag all access points to scaffolding with a red (under construction/ repair/dismantling) or green (safe for use) scaffolding tag.
14. Green scaffolding tags must have the following information: - inspection date
- end of validity date
- the name of the person in charge of the scaffolding - restrictions, if any (weight, type of work, etc.)
15. If the space between the wall/facade and the scaffolding is 20cm or less, no edge protection is required.
16. A daily check must be done by a competent and trained person. 17. All scaffold erection must be validated by a temporary work officer.