Page 5 - Vinci_Standards A5_Work at Heigh
P. 5

Work at Height
3. Platform ladder
   1. Platform ladders are used for non-repetitive activities.
2. Place a SWL label on platform ladders.
3. Light platform ladders must:
- have a SWL of 150 daN to 200 daN
- be stable with a horizontal force of 30 daN
- have a maximum decking height of 1,5 metres - have a maximum working deck surface of 0,8m2
4. Platform ladders must:
- have a SWL of 150 daN to 200 daN
- be stable with a horizontal force of 45 daN
- have a maximum decking height of 2,5 metres - have a maximum working deck surface of 1,5m2
5. All platform ladders must:
- have a stabiliser independent from the ladder - have handrails, midrails and toe boards
- be stable on the ground
- be less than 50kg
- be regularly check by a competent person
6. Normal ladders must:
a. be used for access only
b. be fixed at the top or the bottom
c. be one metre higher than the access level
d. be a maximum of 3 metres high
e. have a SWL of 150 daN
f. be regularly check by a competent person
g. be on stable ground
h. be inclined. The horizontal part must be between
1/3 and 1⁄4 of the vertical part between the ground
and the supporting point
i. be equipped with handrails
b. a.
i. d.
h. g.
S.W.L 150daN

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