Page 18 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 18

 CXC says
The mark awarded is a group mark All students receive the same mark
3Reassure high achievers that it is okay to establish a mixed ability group as there are obvious benefits. Two of these are:
a) increased learning about topic and self in the process of leading a group
(and teaching others), high achievers can learn more about the topic and about themselves as learners As high achievers tutor, even simple questions from the other group members make the person sharing look at the subject matter freshly
As high achievers explain, they gain a deeper understanding of the topic and about their abilities
b) improved skillsets such as leadership and conflict resolution skills, self-esteem gains, and role-taking abilities which become part of the learning process, and betterment of the student
4Cooperative group projects should be structured so that:
a) rewards are intrinsic to the process, with group members deriving their reward from their contributions to the group and project;
b) no individual can coast on the efforts of his/her teammates; and
c) groups have the right to fire a non-cooperative or non-participating member if all
remedies have failed
Sadly, small groups for this SBA are not structured in this way An individual can coast on the efforts of his/her teammates For example, a group member will earn up to 10 marks for the Written Report even if s/he did not contribute
5Now is always a good time to check in on a group and its individual members Weave this ‘being ever present’ mechanism into your classroom management practices as you:
a) look out for signs of trouble: identify the high achiever(s) in each group; be on the lookout for signs that these students are becoming frustrated or agitated This may be sign that trouble on the horizon; check in with these individuals and record notes in your log book; and
b) collect evidence that will assist with making reliable judgements using Rubric C: conduct mini interviews with each group member; ensure that you advise members that you are recording notes in your log book
Being ever present will help as all group members will be aware that you have evidence that will be used at the time the assessment scores are being finalised.
 Source: Syllabus, p. 51.
  My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations | Teacher’s Guide

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