Page 36 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 36

 CXC says
This scale should be completed by the teacher in discussion with the student on two different occasions. After the first assessment, discus- sion should take place and feed¬back should be given to the student to allow for improve- ment The second assessment should produce the final mark out of five agreed on by the teacher and student
Source: Syllabus, p. 50.
Assessing Affective Outcomes
Rubrics B, C and E are peculiar While Rubric B assesses affective outcomes, Rubrics C and E assess process skills Collectively, these rubrics assess over half (55 5%) of the 45 marks al- located to the SBA component These marks realistically cannot be moderated by an external assessor (since the external assessor will not be present to view the performance of the skills) and as such, the teacher’s marks ideally should be a reliable estimate of the students’ achieve- ment. To be reliable, the teacher (acting in the capacity of final assessor) must be judicious; the activity of assessing using these rubrics must be thoughtful, not thoughtless
The affective domain covers behaviours with regards to attitudes, beliefs and feelings Networks of attitudes, beliefs and feelings form the student’s values Values are perceptions or ideas of worth, while beliefs are perceptions of fact It also emphasizes on feelings, emotions and degrees of acceptance or rejection Source: Dela Rosa, 2014
The affective domain includes behaviours such as listening to the ideas of others with respect, participating in group discussions actively, showing the ability to solve problems, and prioritizing time effectively to meet the needs of the group and self
Each individual may earn a maximum of five marks for their individual participation in the group. These marks are assessed using Rubric B which is reproduced on page 64 of the Student Book Technically speaking, Rubric B is primarily a checklist (we discuss this later in this sec- tion). The checklist provided is really a list of five items that the students or teacher marks as “present” or “absent”; these relate to certain attributes that describe the affective traits of inter- est During a series of (two) discussions, the student will self-report the absence/presence of the attribute in response to questions asked by the teacher
  My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations | Teacher’s Guide

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