Page 37 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 37

                                         An ideal time to have the first assessment is after the first group meeting. Depending on the actual timetable you have structured, this first assessment may coincide with the second stage of group development—the storming stage. There are two reasons for this suggestion:
1 the formative nature of the first assessment which produces feedback that the learner ideally will feedforward to improve the required outcomes and gain the maximum score when the summative assessment is done; and
2 increased chance of feedback being used as the learner is more likely to optimally benefit from the discussion if it happens before the penultimate and final group meetings.
The first assessment discussion (which can possibly be conducted as an informal interview) is the perfect time to have the discussion about self-efficacy, the extent of the individual’s par- ticipation, and the issues that may be preventing the individual from operating at their optimal level
Let us take a look at the transcript of an interview between a teacher and student:
Student: Teacher: Student Teacher:
Student: Teacher:
Teacher: Student: Teacher:
Good morning Aaliyah, as discussed in class last week, I will be asking you some questions which is a part of your assessment You can earn a maximum of 5 marks
for this aspect of the SBA which relates to your individual participation in the activities of your group Are you ready?
Good morning Teacher Freeman, I am ready, thank you
Do you know what you are expected to do to work well in a team?
Yes Teacher Freeman, I do
Good, ... now on to the next question Are you able to focus on what is taking
Yes Teacher Freeman, I am able to focus on what is taking place in my group Very good, I am happy to hear that ... now on to the third question.
Teacher Freeman, I do not understand what you mean by how I feel Could you give me a better idea of what you mean by that?
By feel, I mean whether you feel self-confidence, self-esteem, or self-efficacy. Thanks for the clarification Teacher Freeman, I feel all three.
Very good, I am happy to hear that also ... now on to the fourth question...
place in your group?
How do you feel in the group?
                           Figure 11. Teacher conducting a formal interview.
  Section 4: Assessing Like a Pro

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