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P. 34
Xanthos and Letoon (Antalya / Fethiye)
Dated back to 1200s BC for its foundation, Xanthos (Anta- commander, people of Xanthos bravely fought against out-
lya) was the capital of the union of Lycia while Letoon (Muğ- numbered forces of the enemy; they were renowned with
la) served as a political and religious centre of the time. their bravery; still, they are defeated and they returned
Being one of the prominent items in UNESCO’s World Her- to their city and collected women, children, treasures and
itage List, Xanthos and Letoon, unforgettable ancient cit- slaves inside the castle. They set the castle on fire. Then,
ies of Lycia civilization compose an archaeological complex they bonded more giving oaths to each other before they
that is worthy of seeing. attacked to the enemy. All residents of Xanthos died fight-
ing against the enemy.” The city responded in same way
Experiencing one of the most painful events of history, peo- against Brutus who invaded Xanthos in 42 BC. They com-
ple of Xanthos committed collective suicide two times in mitted suicide collectively to avoid surrendering to Brutus
their history, making a choice beyond the despair instead who slaughtered people of Xanthos devastating the acrop-
of surrendering to the enemy. Herodotus narrates the fight olis of Lycia. Seeing a woman jumping into the fire with her
of people of Xanthos against Persian commander Harpagus baby on her lap, Brutus worried, but it was too late when
during the battle 545 BC as follows: “When Persian army he told that he would reward any soldier who could save
marched to Valley of Xanthos under the command of their people of Xanthos.
Letoon Ancient City
32 A Journey to Muğla