Page 97 - MUGLA_SEYAHATI-ENG1.indd
P. 97
Saraylı of Muğla
Saraylı, a Yoruk dessert, is a traditional dessert prepared
by the women of the groom’s house the day before they
went to the bride’s house for the engagement ceremony in
old Muğla. The groom’s family places a golden coin in the
middle of tray before they go to the family house of the
bride. Respective golden coin is the expression of groom’s
family in terms of their wealth and dignity. Being called “sarı
lira” (golden coin) in the past, the name of the desert was
converted into “Sareyli” and then into “Saraylı” in the local
language. It is called “Saraylı of Muğla” just to specify its
A Journey to Muğla 95