Page 15 - Vibrations 6
P. 15
• Graphical, drag-and-drop analysis process chain
All BK Connect analyses use a graphical process-chain
concept for setting up the time and frequency domain
analysis process.
• This includes individual elements for filtering, spectral
analysis, display and storage of results. each is
individually configurable.
• Automated processing
To maximise productivity, BK Connect enables batch
processing of sequenced or parallel analysis of
multiple sets of imported data.
• User roles
The BK Connect interface and product structure was
designed throughout the development process with
the users’ roles as a central theme - customise.
• often one-click, interfaces can perform the repetitive
tasks that have been saved as templates.
• Filtering and time-editing capabilities along with audio
playback (including binaural pairing)
• Acoustic weighting, human vibration weighting,
integration/differentiation, frequency filters, Head