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Mr. H.M. Hennayake Bandara (Chairman)
Mr. M.Z.M. Ashroff (Alt. Chairman)
Mr. Dilshan Arsakularathna (Secretary) THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED
Mr. Upali Ratnayake JANUARY 2021
Mr. Tharanga Thilakasiri
Ms. Anuruddika Senevirathne
Ms. Saroja Gunatilleke
Fujiyama Colour Lab
The views expressed in this publication are purely
personal judgments of the authors and do not
reflect the views of the Institute of Chartered
Professional Managers of Sri Lanka. All efforts are As you are aware, the whole world has been forced to
made to ensure that the information published is adopt new ways of doing things, due to the prevailing
correct. The Institute of Chartered Professional Covid-19 pandemic, with far less on sight contact
Managers of Sri Lanka (CPM Sri Lanka) is not and far greater online content and Sri Lanka is no
responsible for any errors caused due to oversight exception. However, we at CPM continue to provide
or otherwise. you with useful information through our Journal and
it is expected that you may have more time to spend
NOTICE BOARD with the Journal due to the fact that routine activity is
curtailed to a great extent.
We have introduced two new pages for members Our committee has continued its work despite
to share their feelings; please effectively utilize it disruptions as their over riding objective is to serve
by sharing your thoughts. the membership effectively, more so at this time,
to compensate for their inability to meet freely and
FEEDBACK exchange professional thought.
Please send your valuable comments, suggestions
and feedbacks of the articles published in this My special thanks go to Mr. S Renganathan from the
journal to Commercial Bank for readily accepting to be featured
in the lead article by way of an interview. There is no
ACHIEVEMENT PAGE doubt that the resulting interview article will prove to
CPM members are welcomed to share your be useful especially to our new members. I also thank
most outstanding national and international level all other contributors of articles to the present issue
achievements, which we could publish in the and appreciate very much the efforts undertaken by
Chartered Manager. You are kindly requested them to present valuable insightful material.
to forward your achievements by email with the I also wish to recognize and appreciate the valuable
description of the achievement, evidence (means inputs provided by the Journal Committee and the
of verification), references/links and photo/s. staff and for their efforts in keeping up the good work
Publication is subject to the Journal committee’s and publishing the journal in a timely manner.
approval and valid response will be shared if your
entry is not qualified for publication. Kindly avoid We will continue to keep you serviced in meaningful
sending your graduation or social achievements ways. Please let the Committee know of any special
unless it’s significant or a milestone contribution informational needs you have so that we could fill any
to the nation. knowledge gap in issues in the future.
H.M.Hennayake Bandara
The Institute of Chartered Professional
Managers of Sri Lanka
No. 29/24, Vishaka Lane, Colombo 04.
+94 11 2590995 | +94 11 3150828