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What Is Data Sharing?
Data can originate from the many software applications an enterprise uses to run its business, from the constant activity of visitors engaging a website, from an Internet of Things (IoT) device attached to the refrigerator in your home, or to a sensor built into something as sophisticated as the jet engine of an airliner. There are potentially endless data-creating scenarios in the modern world. Market intelligence firm IDC has estimated that the world’s total digital data created will increase to 180 zettabytes by 2025 (one zettabyte is equal to about one trillion gigabytes). Unfortunately, traditional data sharing methods require moving data, which is riddled with problems. Going forward it will be impractical, if not impossible, to share vast amounts of data in meaningful ways.
Furthermore, many enterprises have come to realize they could enhance their business operations if they had access to data out- side their organizations. Enterprises also recognize it is not easy to access data they don’t generate themselves. Thus, data sharing is the act of providing access to data between organizations inside the same enterprise, or between enterprises external to each other. The enterprise that shares its data is called a data provider. The enterprise that wants to use shared data is called the data consumer. Any enterprise can be a data provider, data consumer, or both.
Figure 1-1 shows how enterprises have traditionally shared data — by making a copy of the shared data and sending it to their data consumers. The data consumers then download the data to analyze or combine that data with their existing data for deeper insight into who their customers are, how efficiently their business oper- ates, and into which new industries their business is heading.
But this process is slow, cumbersome, costly, and only allows for moving limited amounts of shared data. Figure 1-2 shows how modern data sharing happens without moving data. Instead, a data provider makes available live, read-only copies of data to its data consumers via modern cloud data sharing.
 4 Data Sharing For Dummies, Snowflake Special Edition
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