Page 41 - Demo
P. 41
» Collaboratingontrulyshareddata
» Leveraginglow-costcomputepower
» Usinganalyticstodrivefasterbusiness decisions
» Takingadvantageofdata commercialization opportunities
Chapter 5
Assessing the Impact of Modern Data Sharing
In this chapter, you learn how modern data sharing enables real-time collaboration, which technologies and trends have enabled a modern data sharing architecture, and how modern
data sharing can enable organizations to quickly create new busi- ness assets from data.
Modern Approaches to Data Collaboration
Traditionally, data sharing has typically meant sharing copies of data, rather than sharing access to the same, live data that doesn’tmove(seeFigure 5-1).Thiscreatesamyriadofchallenges including:
» Single, point-in-time copies of data sets exist and are quickly outdated or out of sync.
» Multiple versions of the same data exist in different environ- ments, across multiple data silos.
CHAPTER5 AssessingtheImpactofModernDataSharing 35 These materials are © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.