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» No practical single source-of-truth or governance exists for data in the organization.
» Critical business decisions are made based on outdated, incomplete, or inaccurate data.
» Version control of multiple data sets becomes an increasingly untenable management burden.
» Electronic discovery costs escalate when multiple sources of data within and outside an organization must be identified, searched, and produced for litigation support.
» The potential number of data breaches and accidental data loss/disclosure risks multiply, along with their associated costs, such as breach notifications, credit monitoring services, damage to an organization’s brand, customer churn, litigation, forensic analysis, and recovery.
» Data storage requirements and costs grow exponentially as redundant data is stored in multiple locations within and outside the organization.
FIGURE 5-1: The difficulties of traditional data sharing methods.
Moderndatasharingenablesfast,cost-effective,andsecurecol- laboration inside and outside the enterprise by providing data consumers with real-time access to a single copy of the same data. With modern data sharing, data providers can share data using the same modern cloud data warehouse platform they use to run their enterprises.
36 Data Sharing For Dummies, Snowflake Special Edition
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