Page 12 - Diet Explained
P. 12
But most importantly in this case, saturated fat also aids the absorption of
other nutrients. Many key nutrients in our diet are what you call ‘fat soluble’
meaning that they are absorbed only with the help of fats.
So now consider what actually happens when you eat recommended ‘diet
food’ that is low in fat. Essentially, you are eating the same processed
sandwiches but with all the fat removed. That means the total calories will
be lower but it means that the sugar content will hit the blood much faster
and cause a sudden spike in glucose. This in turn will cause you to feel
much tireder much quicker and will cause a lot more of that energy to get
stored as fat.
Worse, much of the nutritional value of the food will have been removed
and your body will be less able to use a lot of what remains. It’s like eating
cardboard and it’s far less beneficial for you and far less likely to keep you
feeling fuller.
And here’s the kicker: it turns out that saturated fats probably don’t contrib-
ute to heart disease or bad cholesterol anyway. More recent studies have
used tighter controls to look at the specific effects of saturated fat in the diet
and they have largely found that it actually decreases bad cholesterol (low
density lipoprotein – LDL) and increases the good kind (high density lipo-
protein – HDL).