Page 4 - WPSBC Invitation
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              ALLIED PROGRAMS
              OUR HISTORY
              We are proud of furthering our legacy of not only meeting our community’s needs, but
           While the school receives governmental support, that appropriation alone is insufficient
              also reaching above the national standard.
              Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children (WPSBC) was chartered in 1887 and moved to its
           to cover all of the annual operating expenses. Your generosity enables the WPSBC to
              permanent location in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1894.  After nearly
           work with hundreds of students, families and educators across western Pennsylvania
              OUTREACH PROGRAM
              a century of meeting the needs of visually impaired students, in the 1980’s the school began a process
           and provide a wide range of educational and support services.
              We provide vital information, early intervention, consultation and direct services to
              of major change to serve students with multiple disabilities, including visual impairment.  Today,
              hundreds of visually impaired children, agencies, school districts, Intermediate Units and
              Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children offers a model program for severely disabled young
              families throughout the region.
           With your support, alongside the guidance of instructors, sound curriculum and access
              people which integrates education and therapy and provides students unique opportunities for growth
           to adaptive materials, our boys and girls demonstrate the attainment of vital life skills
              and development.  In 2003, the school opened its Early Childhood Center, a unique facility for young
           and experience the thrill of achievement.
              FVWb OZR]QRQ PVWZQPMaR _a^UaM\ Wb ^ŪRaRQ c^ PVWZQaR] fWcV ^a fWcV^dc eWbdMZ W\_MWa\R]cb͜
              people with visual impairments.  In 2008, the scope of our services expanded again to include the
              ages 6 weeks to 5 years. Our classrooms provide a chance for sighted and non-sighted
              development of services for students who attend their local school district.  At the beginning of the
              peers to learn and play together.
           Learn more about the WPSBC and how you can empower our students with your
              2011-2012 school year, WPSBC established continued services for young adults 21 to 25 years of age. 
           support by visiting
              FVWb MQdZc QMh _a^UaM\ Wb ^ŪRaRQ hRMa a^d]Q c^ UaMQdMcRb ^S IBE34͜    hRMab ^S MUR
              M]Q ^ZQRa͙ FVR _a^UaM\ ^ŪRab P^\_aRVR]bWeR ZRMa]W]U͜ W]PZdQW]U W]bcadPcW^] W] ZWSR
              skills, socialization and self-care.

                  The Mission of the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
                                                      W E S T E R N   P E N N S Y LVA N I A
                  Wb c^ OR M ZRMQW]U RQdPMcW^]MZ SMPWZWch M]Q AdcaRMPV _a^eWQRa͙ FVR
                                                     S C H O O L   F O R   B L I N D   C H I L D R E N
                  EPV^^Z ^ŪRab M SdZZ aM]UR ^S RgPR_cW^]MZ W]QWeWQdMZWjRQ b_RPWMZ
                  RQdPMcW^] bRaeWPRb S^bcRaW]U \MgW\d\ W]QR_R]QR]PR S^a bcdQR]cb
                  fWcV eWbdMZ W\_MWa\R]c͜ W]PZdQW]U OZW]Q]Rbb M]Q ^cVRa PVMZZR]URb͜
                  M]Q _a^eWQRb bd__^ac M]Q aRb^daPRb c^ SM\WZWRb M]Q cVR P^\\d]Wch͙

                            201 North Bellefield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213   •   •   412-621-0100
                                   Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children is an Equal Opportunity Employer
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