Page 3 - taylor flyer oct-nov 2019
P. 3


                         1 1 9        97

                          SHOPVAC AIR                                                                   109         97
                            Stainless steel air                                                            PREMIER
                          8813560 Was $199.99                               97                         TOILET IN A BOX
     Save $15                                                                                            0408849 Was $119.99
                                                                 SINGLE HANDLE
     29      97                                               PULL DOWN KITCHEN            149          97

     40" FOLDING                                                      Chrome finish.         DUAL FLUSH
     SAW HORSE                                                     2291607 Was $169.99          TOILET
     1200 lbs. load
     capacity.                                  59      97                                  0408856 Was $159.99
     8813560 Was $29.97                                                                                              97
                    39      97              KITCHEN FAUCET                                              159
                                                 Chrome finish.                                            COMFORT
                    2 PACK FOLDING             6486245 Was $74.99                                            HEIGHT
                    SAWHORSE                                                                             0408906 Was $179.99
                    The bottom tray opens to hold
                    tools. 1,000 lbs. load capacity
                    per pair.
                    6375372 Was $62.99                                     97
      69       99                                           SYMPHONY BODY JETS

                                                                     Chrome finish.
      14/2 BUILDING                                              SYM018CP Was $99.99
                                                  51      97                                     597          97
                  169          97                 TWO LEVER                                    38"x38"x76" CYRENE

                 8' TYPE-1 DEWALT                 BATHROOM FAUCET                                  SHOWER KIT
                                                  4" center, lever handles. Chrome              Available in clear or mistelite.
                      LADDER                      finish.
                    300-Lb. duty rating.                                                           9288184, 9288200
                                                  1524206 Was $77.99
                   1101054 Was $179.99

        16      97                     97                                              1   97      7    97

     INCANDESCENT             74                        18      97           96-OZ Awesome®        LARGE ANGLE
       WORK LIGHT          4-IN-1 Speedway®                                   LIQUID BLEACH
      13 Amp outlet. Tough metal  JUMPSTART                                The cleaning power of bleach  W/DUSTPAN
     cage. Large grip handle. 90-                       MICRO PRO            with a fresh floral scent. No  Wide sweeping path for quick
       degree swivel cord, 25'  POWER STATION          QUICKIE MOP              acid, no ammonia. Non-  clean up. Comfort grip handle.
     16/3 SJT. Bulb not included.                                             flammable. Safe for septic  Snap-on dustpan for storage.
                             8595597 Was $109.99                                            tanks.
       5821731 Was $27.99                              7538374 Was $29.99                          5166095 Was $13.99
                                                                                  9988262 Was $3.99
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