Page 2 - Taylor April Flyer 2019
P. 2
Time To Start Your Spring Renovations
10 97 /pc 16 97 /pc 97
Flatstock Flatstock 24
MDF Casing MDF Baseboard FatMax® Hammer Tacker
3/4" x 3 1/2" x 16' 3/4" x 5 1/2 x 16'
8554388 Was $47.99
3186 Was $14.69 3188 Was $20.99
9 77 / Bundle
#2 Packaged Pine 94 97
6 17 Panelling 30" 6 Panel
14 Sqft/Bundle
PPCB Centre Bead
2 X 2 Barricade Subfloor Panel PPPW Mini Pickwick Prehung Door
SUBPANEL Was $7.99 PPVJ V-Joint 26PHR Was $105.98
1 1 97 69 99 16 97
14/2 Building Wire
1/2" 4 X 8' Drywall 75 Meter Coil 30' Fatmax Tape Measure
96-444L Was $19.99
DW128 Was $12.40 0693044
22 97 7 97
6mil 500 Sq. Ft Vapour Barrier
Blue Sheathing Tape
VB8460 Was $29.99
1243070 Was $9.99
0 97 1 27
PINK® FIBERGLAS® Insulation /Sq. Ft /Sq. Ft
Reduces heating and cooling costs. Made in Canada 8.3mm Arctic Laminate 12.33mm Everest Laminate
and contains 73% recycled contents.
R12-15 for 2"x 4" Walls Flooring Flooring
3-1/2 x 15" x 47" .
Covers 97.9 sq. ft. ¢
Priced per sq. ft. ................................ 39
R12-23 for 2"x 4" Walls
3-1/2 x 23" x 47"
Covers 150.1 sq. ft. ¢
Prices per sq. ft. ................................ 39
R20-15 for Attics & Walls
6 x 15" x 47" .
Cover 78.3 sq. ft. ¢
Priced per sq. ft. ................................ 59
R20-23 for Attic & Walls
6 x 23" x 47" .
Covers 120.1 sq. ft. ¢
Priced per sq. ft. ................................ 59