Page 3 - TF NOV 2018
P. 3

50% Off

         All Gift


                                   18     97                        18     97                 25     97

                                   30-In. Christmas Bear            21" Standing Deer         36" Standing Moose
                                   Assorted Christmas bears with red hat and  With bark and snow  With multi colour coat
                                   scarf.                           XMZ6383 Was $39.99        XMKC1165 Was $59.99
                                   7275043 Was $31.99

   39     97                                97     ¢                                                          97

   LED Mesh Gift Box Set                    Assorted Wired Glitter Ribbon                              16
   0193029 Was $89.99                       2.5" x 3'                                                 LED Candles
                                                             49                                      2936920 Was $27.99
                                            XMRR4007 Was $1.99      97                                 Battery operated
                                                             48-In. Plush
                                                             Teddy Bear
               7  97                          59     97      2826055 Was $64.99    Gifts for Kids

               Tree                           3D Pre-Lit
               Funnel                         Snowman,
                                              32 in H
               Was $9.99                      0722447 Was $87.99
                                                                                         42     97

                                                                                                           79     97
                                                                               Child's Rocker Chair
                                                                                White 7464936
                                                                                 Red 8786188             Big Red Wagon
                                                                               Natural 1369800 Was $62.99  9924887 Was $129.99
                          29     97

                48-In. Pre-Lit Standing Buck /                                   97                               97
                         Feeding Doe                                      44                               69
                   Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
                                                                         24" Animated                     29" Animated
               Standing Buck 0682930 / 0151563
                Feeding Doe 0674168 / 0149559 Was $59.99                Rocking Horse                    Rocking Horse
                                                                        1451228 Was $69.99               5657606 Was $129.99
                                                   9   97                      12     97                  9  97

  17     97                                    18-In. Christmas bears  house scene design with silver trees.  Assorted Snowman, Santa,
                                                                                Water Globe
                                                                                                         Water Globe
                                                 with winter scarf.
                                                7116833 Was $14.99          0759837 Was $19.99      and Christmas tree designs.
   LED Christmas                                                                                      0837088 Was $12.99
    Was $24.99
                                                                                           Limited Quantities No Rain Checks
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