Page 31 - Provoke Mag Vol5
P. 31

and a mind for creativity; he wasn’t taking no for an answer and returned until he got a yes. Check Mate. His entrepreneurial skills kicked in; invested some of the baseball earnings into a youth baseball camp where he trained the youth on the weekend to keep him re- sponsible.
An investment of 2,080 hours of work and a DJ he was and boy oh boy did the return on investment win big for him. Six years on K104 then Ricky Smiley with The Ricky Smiley Morning Show entered into the Dal- las Market inviting him, Rocky Turner- DJ Rock T, onto his show as Sportscaster for his sports expertise. Here his life’s work was being highlighted once again. Like all gifts, at times you may appear not to be using them; from time to time making an entrance to be celebrated. Being a public figure has given him the platform to ig- nite the fires on the gifts he is passionate about; assist- ing youth, getting them to the next level not necessarily being provided for them due to lack of visibility.
He is teaching his work ethics to all who listen and watch him through drive and persistence. For about nearly four years the vision along with his guest spot on Dish Nation he lived working a tight schedule: Monday through Thursday in Atlanta; Thursday evening flying back to Dallas to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday and back again the last flight, the red-eye to Atlanta ready to work on Monday. Fifteen years strong with the Ricky Smiley Morning Show he is in 71st / 72nd markets with an audience ranging of 6-8 Million people daily listen- ing. Simply amazing! Life throws you curve balls and staying confident, patient, and sharp on your skills al- lows you to continuously move in the direction of your most significant moment. You just have to keep pushing through those moments to meet all of your blessings and not get caught up in the moments that blindside you. When the four year with Dish Nation came to its ending time instead of being hurt he breathed in a sigh of gratitude, for the tides were changing, and another opportunity to fulfill dreams long standing in his heart could be accomplished. Take the bitter with the sweet, approach all experiences with a spirit of gratitude, and the blessing almost always presents itself in a way you may have never imagined.
Laser Sharp Focus, otherwise known as living a life of intention has a master plan of confidence and whimsi- cal pleasure. Fairy tales aren’t only for storybooks un- less you consider life as a book of stories with the pages constantly turning. From a young age, there were two pursuits on the mind of Rocky Turner “Rock T” known to his public audience as Rock T who and what he was
to become.
What do you wanna be when you grow up? All too of-
ten in schools across America, this is the question asked, and unfortunately for some, the opportunity to grow up never happens. Looking through the lens of success, how often is your vision including assisting others in achiev- ing their dreams? Rock-T’s concept of winning has al- ways included helping others get to the top. With his strong work ethic, he feels the purpose of empowerment is assisting others to discover the gifts inside of them.
Rock T purposes his first desire of greatness to his big brother always including him in daily physical activities. Value, the importance of his brother sowing into his life at the time it was happening. The commitment and trust exhibiting behaviors by his brother believing in him. Purposing his life for greatness by showing him he mat- ters enough to spend much quality time together; always including him with outings with his friends showing him not only was he his brother; he was his friend, a trusted friend. The world needs more of this. True unconditional brotherly love. I got your back, you got mine.
Still playing to the bigger hand prepares you for the stage to succeed by over preparation. Big on investments of time there is no greater commodity to give someone. Recognizing the birth of gangs come from the isolation of genius without the capacity to succeed due to circum- stance. A keen lover of music allowed him to discover the bridge connecting worlds of people opening the heavens of opportunity over their life.
A lover of sports he came to know the discipline of accountability, hard work, and teamwork. An athlete, connoisseur of music, and the inquisitive guy he looks with his third eye to discover what is missing in the lives of the youth getting caught up in teen pregnancy, gang initiation, school dropout and found a niche. The gifted and talented programs aren’t only for the science majors. Way and sought to give them a place to belong that is healthy, fun, energetic, and inspiring. Aiming high as a catalyst of change creator of STOMP Wars, a youth step- ping competition; stomps out the negative moments of 31

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