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life creating clouds of despair. In thirteen seasons, groups by invitational only from significant markets such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta to name a few travels across the United States to compete against the best of the best of middle school and high school stepping competitors. Split into many categories of the elite, the winner receives $10,000 in cash; the au- dience is a consistent strong 6000 in attendance and growing. Recently he has signed a production deal for a reality docuseries bringing STOMP Wars to the big screen for the global footprint to grow, change, and inspire all with the desire to find the art of stepping, mentorship, leadership as a catalyst for change.
Creating his empire is about creating hope in the lives of those seeking to discover a part of themselves that they are born with, heart. Through the selection process, there has been a 1400% growth. Stomping The Negativity Out Of Their Lives, 2007 was the first year, and consistently the event has grown year after year.
Blessings out of left field. With great reward comes sacrifice; burning the candle at both ends sometimes comes with the cost of the ones closest to you taking a lateral seat to the world along with personal proj- ects. When the time comes such as the end of time on Dish Nation after 3.5/4 years instead of becoming up- set, he recognized it as an opportunity to spend more time with his family; work on the projects that he had been putting on hold and apply the work ethic of be- ing always on the go to those that need him most. An excellent storyteller he loves traveling sharing stories to inspire those watching and listening into living and inspiring life of greatness.
Love makes all things better, and when you love what you do the environment, you foster creates lovers out of all of us. Frustration develops out of incapacity to do what the heart desires. In discovering all people do not begin on a level playing field, breaking down the simplicity of goal setting is high on his list of priorities in teaching the fundamentals of success. Life’s mark- ers are measured by the application. Theoretically as a young person discovering new ideas and pleasures are nurtured or killed by the environmental elements of one’s household and community. However, entering into your freshman year of high school and freshman year of college a transference of what you were and what you are capable of becoming is by the application. Rock T created a curriculum for incoming high school and college freshman to discover and implement the strengths to facilitate and nurture the intentions of living a successful life with clearly defined goals and
success strategies ensuring Plan A Through Plan Z is apart of the same plan.
Author of No Excuses! Get It Done, Mastering Your Mind- set is an excellent tool for all ages. Living in a world that is ever evolving ignites the fire inside to encourage the in- spiring greatness in all he encounters. As he sometimes understands all the changes is a bit overwhelming; for some, having the playbook on conquering mind paralysis gives footing on an otherwise slippery slope. When asked whom he has been inspired by he says, “anyone that is doing great things for others on a great level.” As a notable author, the curriculum from his book which is available on his website on Amazon and at all major book outlets is a Life Skills Course at University Texas at Arlington.
When asked what he is known for: being a spark plug for positive change. Spark plug, a device for delivering an electric current. Available for speaking engagements he is always excited to share in moments of greatness on the radio and off. He can be booked through his website and is an all around dynamic man the crowd happens to love. Keynote, Corporate, Empowering/Motivation, Ed- ucation, Sporting Events, Entertainment, and Concerts Rock-T says Holla.
When you ask him why how he does it; Simplifies Every- thing He Does because he wants teenagers to know it is very simple to follow and accomplish your dreams when you have the blueprint of success.
Radio-TV Personality; Author; Speaker; Producer; Philan- thropist; Entrepreneur; DJ; Husband; Father; Friend; Men- tor; Brother; Son. 33