Page 28 - Provoke Magazine Vol7
P. 28

Friend Zone:
zone will have typically honest women telling their ugly straight male friends “you’re like a brother to me” as a less hurtful way of rejecting their sexual advances. You can be allocated to a woman’s friend zone because you dated her friend or sister. Being allocated to the Friend Zone basically means an individual cannot see them- selves and a particular person engaging in any type of sexual activities. Which also means the person is either not their physical preference or when they look at or they are standing near a particular Friend Zone allocat- ed worthy individual, they feel no level of sexual arous- al. If someone views you as a “Friend Zone Allocated Worthy” individual, it means you do not create any wonder inside their curious mind of how you would perform any act typically associated with foreplay or sex.
The punishment assigned to a man/woman found guilty by a man/woman for a particular Dating offense.
A situation in which a friendship exists between two peo- ple, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sex- ual interest in the other.
You can find yourself developing feelings for a friend, but you’re not sure how to proceed. Worst of all, your love interest is none the wiser, or they’re content to continue thinking of you as just a friend. You’ve en- tered the dreaded “friend zone.” The mythological friend zone is a place not found on any map, GPS has no clue how to find it, but it boast to having a popula- tion such that every resident swears they were placed there and are being held against their will and each person trapped there all have no clue of how to escape. The misconception most men have is when a guy finds himself in a woman’s friend zone it was due to the man being way too nice, accommodating, overly catering to a woman’s wants and needs or that he simply cared too much about her wellbeing. Which sounds a bit ex- treme but it is a popular belief of many men all over the world.
Which suggest men believe women either don’t ap- preciate or are not attracted to a nice guy or both. You can kind of understand why men may feel that way, because it’s supported by the “Good Girls like Bad Boys” theory. As though women are lying when they say they want a man that will treat them like a queen. But that is simply not the case, Women do appreciate being catered to, complimented, spoiled and swooned by the men of their Choice. Choice meaning to her specific liking. So with that being said. There’s Only 3 ways a person can find themselves in someone’s friend zone with no hope of escaping.
The first way is that a person is ALLOCATED to someone’s Friend Zone. Which means the person had a zero chance from the beginning no matter what. They were unknowingly walking up to introduce themself and were already a resident of this particular person of interest Friend Zone. Being allocated to the friend 28

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