Page 36 - Provoke Magazine Vol7
P. 36

KC Fox
Exhibition in Legacy Building
-Masako Mai
  Who says when I grow up I want to be in a museum? KC FOX. I must be honest regarding the plethora of wise and talented people I have come across through- out every corner of the world, the first time I have ever heard another human being say to me I would like a section in a museum impressed the heavens out of me.
The colorful phrase came out of the mouth of no other than KC Fox. The infamous KC is going to be leaving a legacy for the ages trackable by an ongoing exhibition in the corner of an American Museum. Do you all know KC Fox? Southern Bells are known to be sweet; however, sweet may not be the first word people use to describe her. Perhaps maybe not even the last thing anyone would ever mention when describing the sleek business woman that cares about the people and seeks change for the best of humanity.
Humorous, or not- no one talks about sweet outside of the bittersweet taste in their mouths left gasping for air. After all, would you refer to Olivia Pope as sweet? Savvy, smart, strategic, and friendly is full of texture.
Visionary, the ability to see beyond the present mo- ment in time takes depth and heart that develops throughout time. When meeting someone whose light shines brightly, I can’t help to know these hearts belong to the people that have seen some of the darkest places.
The decision in choosing to help others through a servants heart along with a king’s ransom pays tribute to the royalty living within the soul. KC Fox has got a soul to reach people deep within their hearts. Soul for righting the wrongs; bringing light to dark situations; organizing and facilitating growth within people and organizations; teaching others to fight strategically. Essentially, Miss KC is doing her part in preparing a bright presence and future for those who may or may 36
not have gotten themselves into an opportunity — ide- ally keeping the breath in their lungs and their egos on autopilot. Their head space and heart space aligned.
Family violence touched home early. It all started by watching one too many lives of her family members/ loved ones snatched from this earth too soon-them at the hands of the boogeymen — cold-blooded murder in the family. The boogeymen representing dark creatures masked as husbands.
The curse of the men stirring family violence in the bayous of Louisiana. Blood in the streets. Somewhere deep inside her young beating heart, she knew she had to be part of something much higher than the individ- ual; this may have been the moment she decided to join the military. Advice from her father led her to enjoy college life before joining the military. Education is the foundation of her life’s work.
The psyche of the spiritual connection of the undefeat- ed, held at the highest regard of all organizations when it comes to defense and weaponry. She is continually improving and writing a new history. Completing an eight-month tour of Iraqi Enduring Freedom, she saw another type of war first hand when involved in a rock- et attack. Functioning in a specialized field what most consider a “man’s environment” soldiers do not have the luxury to think of male or female. We think along the lines of warrior, soldier, highly-trained task-driven loner. Mission-Task driven alpha female is working to- wards inspiring growth and change in the lives of the people she encounters.
To write history, you must know and understand the history presiding you. Become highly specialized, apply the principles and advance in progress. In taking au- thority over others and regions, equipping the weaker provinces with means of improvement, there has to be a youthful arrogance about yourself to be assertive in all things. Confidence everything will be all right.
Does childhood fly by if you didn’t have one? Trau- ma affects the brain. Early childhood development of post-traumatic stress disorder may lend itself to hard- work, perfection, and genius.
The pen is mightier than the sword. Acquiring a de- gree in journalism is the pen. Joining the US Air Force and becoming a Military Police (MP) is the sword. Pre- paring for battle teaches diplomacy, relationship, loyal- ty, how to avoid conflict, patience, preparation, strategy, and winning at war. The one with the pen writes history.
There is no surprise that the affinity for telling stories is part of her repertoire. We change the story by creat- ing a new one. The animals in the kingdom change by

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