Page 37 - Provoke Magazine Vol7
P. 37
the behaviors influenced by the human; inevitably the human evolves through the spoken words of new cre- ation said aloud. Be mindful of your thought life. Speak miracles into your life, acquire new vocabulary. Treat others well even if you may never benefit. Be kind. The same way you shall treat yourself, with dignity and re- spect is the same you will meet others on your path. The solution to the problem is for people to acquire a new set of words to work into their vocabulary to get an understanding of a new identity in hopes of discov- ering what love and respect are, and the meanings to the human race.
KC Fox original, script for her clients, her students, her audience is a master storyteller. She is a visionary. Spokesmodel and Cheerleader, what is the most over- looked child in grade school? Not the A Student or the Athlete Student. The student who is most likely well equipped to run their organization, philanthropic in heart, passionate about seeing others succeed in their endeavors, the first person someone calls when they’re in need, and most likely the first person that the blame goes to when the shit hits the fan — the C Student drives task.
KC Fox passionate about the C Student has taken great care in developing a flagship program, nonprof- it, for young ladies between the ages of 9 to 17 years old entitled, “Lady Generals Camp.” The significance is much needed within the young girls lives as their bodies and minds develop new influencers appear. The constant time spent on snap chat, vines, youtube, and Instagram is desensitizing their perceptions of what is relevant. Peer pressure, hormones, transgender, abuse, language, classes, sects of people. Chatter is filling the air in soundwaves. There is zero need to fit in when you stand out in greatness — learning behavior. Moving from elementary to junior high on through high school and to college is much different from generation to gen- eration. Sexual abuse in school, making it home alive, which bathroom to use, and cyberbullying has entered the game.
Principles always remain the same. The Lady General’s Camp teaches advanced skills translating across spec- trums of businesses. Principles build the foundation for systems of belief. Advance level mindsets mastered by the young ladies. Laws, the foundation in the devel- opment of structured mindsets is the building blocks: 37