Page 39 - Provoke Magazine Vol7
P. 39
due process; the right to seek redress or legal remedy; rights of participation in civil society and politics such as freedom of association, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right to self-defense, and the right to vote.
Women rights are human rights; The Women’s Rights Movement, 1848-1920 addressed social and institu- tional barriers limiting women’s rights in family re- sponsibilities, lack of educational and economic oppor- tunities, absence of voice in political debates holding firm to the words of the Declaration of Independence, “We hold the truths to be self-evident that all men and women shall be created equal.” All men and all women have the right to live free from violence, slavery, and discrimination; to be educated; to own property; to vote, and to earn a fair and equal wage. Stop asking permission to be great, be great.
Continuing to bear the burdens and pains of others is making you a martyr. Brilliance, strength, and beauty pay much better. Speaking life into the man that has been broken and scorned gives revitalization to the hu- man psyche. Speak a miracle. Declare a new truth for each of you, in confidence.
A history of recovery is due to watching the raping of women and men. The murdering of high identity. How do you recover, by learning a new set of princi- ples, building a new foundation? Curses are gone and diminished an exploration and receptivity of a new be- ginning — direct experience in joy and gratitude.
Alignments before assignments. History shall write a new story, an original ending. Passivity is not pur- poseful. Sleepless nights and restless are the days’ fuels with the purpose of discovering the true identity of the powerful, of the fearless while joyful movement in ex- ploration welcomes exhaustion with an earned comfort and rest.
Standing in and standing up for those that have yet to see their power lying dormant. The education and the tenacity of my visionaries and I hold before all with eyes, ears, and hearts killing the hatred and lies creat- ed out of fear of a stronger more dominant nation of people. Fearless is how we are and what we will contin- ue to be for the freedoms, rights, and powers of those that have been previously disenfranchised. We have an openness and receptivity to change, and we invite you to join us.
How does she do it? An activist to her core serving as Vice President to the Dallas Chapter NAACP; Chair of Civil Rights & Citizens Training of Dallas Metropoli- tan Chapter at National Coalition of 100 Black Women, 39