Page 40 - Provoke Magazine Vol7
P. 40

Inc. A strand of three cords is not easily broken. Cur- rently, the strand consists of KC Fox(herself), Gloria Allred(women’s rights attorney), and Lee Merritt(civil rights attorney) along with countless numbers of staff members working in motivation to discover justice. As the representative of the five women in the R Kelly case the previous fifteen months and five cities have allowed the parties involved to reveal the situations that included them in the violation of their civil and human rights.
Exposing and highlighting the atrocities in all sinceri- ty magnifies the epidemic within society. A violation of people’s freedoms. A violation of rights through bullying, manipulation, and sexual activities. A child harmed cre- ates chaos within their lives long into adulthood. I hope that closure will be found and met with love and empathy for the young ladies involved; for all parties involved. Shedding insight into dysfunction, I’m reminded of the many families birthed from the brokenness of trauma. Healing will take place exercise is an excellent place to start. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Healing through exercise aids in clarity of thought.
Narcissistic personality disorder(NPD) a contradiction: people diagnosed with NPD see themselves as superior and more deserving of consideration than others, but the real cause of their delusions is a deeply-felt sense of inse- curity supported by chronically poor self-esteem. Rather than surrender to their feelings of unworthiness and lack of trust in themselves, NPD sufferers hide behind an in- flated ego and a self-centered approach to human rela- tions. They fail to develop empathy and react to others with cynicism and overly competitive attitude. Narcissists wear a mask of supreme self-confidence and infallibility, but they do it more to fool themselves than to deceive others. Can be traced back to childhood experiences that set them up for a lifetime of dysfunctional relationships and chaotic living. In a constant state of what’s next; K C Fox, in keeping her eye on the prize always completes the mission. In all seriousness, there must always be a reci- pe for fun lending to laughter in knowing that love and laughter heal all wounds. To the people of the airwaves listening to the radio the show has been brought to main- stream television “THE BEAT” ON 33 Weekdays M-F 6 am – 8 am by KC Fox, Executive Producer. The recipe for change requires a service driven authentic affinity for human beings; you care about people! Smart, supportive, tall, brave, courageous, and good looking. Should this be you, I am standing and agreeing with KC in waiting to hear from you. Where two or more touch and decide it is. The media crisis firm is working with NBA/NFL, Politi- cians, Civil Rights in strategies for business management
located in Dallas, TX.
Should you come to a corner in a museum dedicated
in honor of KC Fox, CEO of The Vault International Firm. It will be due to the motivation and enthusiasm in the collection and preservation of objects and ma- terials of the historical and cultural value of Vaulted The Lady General Foundation preserved and promot- ed for education and enjoyment.
Generous in works and efforts of those involved. Engaging the visitors, fostering a more in-depth un- derstanding, for interpretation and exhibition of the tangible and intangible evidence of society and nature for all women that has been influenced and changed paving the way for the continued generations to come to engage in principal and foundational change in the full presence of KC Fox Wisdom Exhibition: Legacy Builder.
 KC Fox

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