Page 43 - Provoke Magazine Vol7
P. 43
Why You Matter
What would this world be like if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said no to his purpose? What would this world be like if Jesus said no, I am not up to this? Doing what I was created to do is harder than I thought it would be, God. What if the individuals who have made a posi- tive impact on your life said no to their purpose? What would your life be like today? Although fulfilling your purpose may not be as easy as you thought it would be. I am convinced that God has equipped each of us with everything we need to fulfill it. When you doubt your gift, question your purpose, and even wonder if you have what it takes, remember that you are here on Earth to do something only you can do, and you are necessary.
God allowed you to be here on Earth at this time for a reason. He did not hesitate when you were born. The Bible tells us that God said, I knew you before you were born, and I called you, I predestined you. In oth- er words, I put gifts inside of you, and I created you with a purpose in mind. You were not born to take up space. You were born to do something, something big. Not significant according to society or social media, big according to God. I believe that when God sees His cre- ation accomplishing what He created them to do, He sees a win. He sees success, and in the end, He will say “well done” because you did what He created you to do. God will not speak the words “well done” because you did what your parents wanted you to do or “well done” because you received many accolades throughout your career. According to the Bible, He says “well done” to those who did what He called them to do.
We all have a desire to do something. Your purpose is either bubbling up inside of you or it appears buried because your vision is blurred. If you know that you are achieving your God-given purpose, you are right on track. Continue to grow and lead in your circle of influence. If you find that your calling is not clear, be- gin thinking about what you love doing, that benefits others, that breaks your heart and without a doubt, you would do if you never receive a paycheck. Again, what if Jesus had abandoned his purpose. What if he denounced and declined the sole reason as to why God sent him to Earth. Our current situation would not be
Our current situation would not be dering, who and what is at stake if you choose not to do what you were creat- ed to do. How will your life be affected and whose life would you not change? You are a gift to the world, and I wonder, are you presenting your gift to those who cross your path? If not, let me enlighten you on a remarkable truth. It is not too late. You may have heard that state- ment before, and that is good because the more you listen to those words, the more you will believe them. It is not too late for you to undertake what you were created to do.
Please, do not let your past mistakes stop you from moving forward. I often tell people; your past does not have to paralyze you. If you allow it, it can propel you into purpose. What if we began looking at our mistakes as fuel to get us moving? The fuel that strengthens us through the lessons learned. The fuel that allows us to see ourselves as overcomers, and individuals who would say, yes, I have experienced a few unfavorable situations, even so, I refuse to let those situations to annihilate my purpose. Instead of comparing ourselves to others and competing with them, let’s begin to focus on completing the purpose that God has set before us.
Ask yourself, what do I bring to the table? How can I enhance the lives of others? When you answer those questions and begin living out the answers, your life will become more satisfying. The moment you tap into the real you, the non-people pleasing you, you will begin to enjoy life. Not because life will be perfect, because you would have found your purpose.
I believe in you. I am rooting for you. You are probably thinking, you do not know me, how can you believe in me? You are right. I do not know you. God does, and because He knows you, and I know Him, that’s good enough. I also understand the power of encouragement. Therefore, I encourage you to decide to go after your pur- pose. We often hear the term, “life is short,” well, it is, and I would only hope that you would embrace every mo- ment of it - the good and the bad, the highs and the lows. For when you find purpose, every moment and every ex- perience will come together, and you realize that life is worth living. So, live your life fully, and make the impact that you were born to make in this world.
-Chanté Dent 43