Page 45 - Provoke Magazine Vol7
P. 45
All it takes is one person to not believe the victim for them to lose faith that anyone will believe them. This also opens the door for other predators to come in and abuse them further destroying their lives. Pay attention to your children. Watch their behavior. To bond and know your child is very important. Not just to have the loving connection with your child but to have a true knowledge through and through of your child. Even if a child can’t speak up their behavior and body lan- guage will tell you if something is not right.
Pay attention and know the signs. Here are some things to look for.
- Older children acting like younger kids by doing things such as bed wetting and thumb sucking.
- Resistance in removing clothes during appropriate times like go- ing to bed or getting ready for bath time.
- Mimics sexual behavior with dolls, stuffed animals or other chil- dren.
- Going to the bathroom on themselves after successfully complet- ing potty training.
- Excessive acting out for attention.
- Drug, alcohol usage and Sexual promiscuity
If you see something on your child’s body that is not right you immediately take your child to the doctor. If you suspect that your child is being molested have them tested and checked out by a doctor. Here are some physical warning signs to look for.
- Pain, discoloration, bleeding or discharge in genitals, anus or mouth.
- Persistent or reoccurring pain during urination or bowel move- ments.
Being attentive to detail can dramatically increase your chance of being able to protect your child and stop the tor- ment and abuse that your child may be facing. Keep in mind that if your child is being abused their quality of life is being irreparably damaged. It is up to you how far that damage goes. Be their superhero and keep them protected. The effects of child sexual abuse does not stop when the abuse stops. IT LASTS A LIFETIME. Even one instance of abuse at the age of 3 can have an effect of a person when they are 30. We all see the effects of child sexual abuse everyday. Do you have that one female in your family that nobody wants their man around because she sleeps around a lot? Chances are she sleeps around because she was molested. The nephew, cousin or uncle that is gay or bisexual? He could’ve been molested by a man as a child. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone that seemed as though they refused to remain monogamous? If you a woman and the man is always cheating he could’ve been raped or molested by a man and is trying to drown out the feeling of being gay because of what his abuser has done to him. If you’re a man and the woman is always cheating it could be because her abuser(s) have made her feel as though sex is the only way to feel loved.
The effects of child sexual abuse has a huge link to prosti- tution. 60-70 percent of prostitutes have experienced some kind of sexual abuse as a child. The repeated rape and mo- lestation can create the mindset that sex is love or ca be used as a coping mechanism. Prostitution is only one ef- fect of child sexual abuse. Predators breed predators. 29% of pedophiles that abused children were themselves sexu- ally abused as a child. The prevention of child sexual abuse breaks a very dangerous cycle. We have to stand up and speak out against the murder of innocence. Child sexual abuse is linked to so many disturbing mental conditions from pedophilia to sociopaths. Even serial killers such as Charles Manson, Richard Ramírez and Aileen Wuornos we’re sexually abused as children. Aileen Wuornos was raped by her grandfather and brother. She bore a child at the age of 14 that was allegedly fathered by her brother. All three of these people suffered the effects of child sexual abuse and grew up to become the monsters that are re- sponsible for 27 murders. Child sexual abuse is a killer of life, innocence and quality of life.
If you know of a child being abused it is your duty and responsibility to speak up for that child and report it im- mediately. Contact your local authorities or advocate and free the child from the bondage of abuse.
For information on child sexual abuse visit or you can call (918)902-0381. If you need help for a child that is being abused you can call the Save Our Youth child abuse hotline. That number is 1-888-539-0034.