Page 26 - Provoke Magazine Vol3
P. 26
King Keraun
Against All Odds
Andrea Pernell
Ask any “suddenly successful” person about their journey of discovering their best self, as I often have, and one word that is most common amongst them all that stands out to me specifically is that they Decided. Deciding alone will not bring the instant absolution most of us so desperately de- sire. However, I will tell you that in that very moment, the moment when you decide, mountains move, for you. There are prices to pay to see that glory in full form, though. Your suddenly successful people will call this a different thing, de- pending on their experience. I won’t be shy in assuming they will say things closely related to focusing in, sacrifice, silenc- ing doubts and more so than ever, the faith to stick to what moves you. The deciding must happen over and over again. They had to decide on a single day, what they wanted their tomorrows to look like.
They decided on patterns for those tomorrows that would develop over the next few weeks. These compounding of decisions partnered with action, inspired action, if you will, has led to some explosive results. What most forget to value is that each decision results in a commitment to a precon- ceived outcome. When our values are unorganized it seems that we are fighting a losing battle, chasing the wrong dream. A dream has purpose and value. In talking with people who have come to terms with their highest self, there can be some confusion initially. That is when you hear of people that get things going in or after the 30s and in many cases later on in life. All of these accomplishments are okay. In the battle of dream chasing and purpose seeking, some of us get bumps and bruises. Physically, mentally and spiritually. But know that you do not war alone. The most useful information the self-achieved person can give you and you take is that you are not alone. When your decision is made for all the right reasons, forces will join your journey and for the nights you grind it out in good favor, days will come along that afford you so much victory you will wake up ready to decide and commit and do all over again.