Page 28 - Provoke Mag Vol2
P. 28

    What the Hell is going ON?
You are what you eat DAMNIT!!!
 You are what you eat! “What the health?” Well, you are. *in my Marcia Clark
Are you eating yourself to death? What did you eat today?
Do you know what it ate? Of course not! The average per- son doesn’t even pay attention- let alone pay attention to the foods in which they consume daily. The majority of what we eat could be referred to as a “happy grave”! From dairy to chicken, red meats and processed foods; all have some type of long-term effect on our health. Studies have shown that processed meats are in the same category as Tobacco, asbes- tos, and something called plutonium? I don’t know about you, but I did not sign up to be Superman! I try to stay away from plutonium! What is a salad, for $400 Alex?
Well damn! I guess that means I won’t be eating at BBQ’s anymore... There was once a ‘cock-strong’ bird...Now here- he lay; sizzlin’ on this grill- oh! Just look at him, looking all good, but he doesn’t even look like himself! He a lil’ darker than I remember... Lol, (awkward) I had to do it!
On a more serious note; have you ever noticed the meat section at the grocery store? Think about how many types of meats you see- packaged in styrofoam and Saran wrap. It’s become more common to see oversized meats- especial- ly chicken. Ok, now why would I wanna buy or eat Fog- horn Leghorn?!? I wouldn’t and I won’t! How the hell could a chicken be two or ten times its normal size? (Cockfight- ing?) What is clucking around in the barn? And what part of ‘Dino’ did Fred use as a steak? The T-Bone must mean “Tyrannosaurus” Bone. Yea, our food is modified, they make it look good on purpose. Bigger does not mean bet- ter. They just added something to it to make it appear more filling. It’s all about the mighty dollar! DHHS, Department of Health and Human Services (the government) provides a food service program to low-income families. (who got food stamps for sale?) provided with a set cash amount; loaded on a debit card monthly. DHHS prepared boxed foods for low-income families; these boxes contained
dairy, poultry, processed meats, fruits, and veggies. EV- ERY MONTH! Basically a “heart attack in a box”. If momma cooking doesn’t kill you, the gov’t will!
Today, you have options. You
do have the choice of keeping your fami-
ly healthy. Just because Granny and Paw-Paw died from diabetes and cancer, high blood pressure and de- mentia; does not mean you have it too. NO! You can’t ‘catch’ any of these. No one throws diabetes! If someone coughs or sneezes in your face there’s no need to call 911. You did not just have a heart attack get dementia or high blood pressure, these are not hereditary either and they’re not caused by genetics, lifestyle and poor diet our parents and their parents lifestyle choices and diet on a regular basis would have a lot to do with some of the diseases and medical conditions that are so prevalent in today’s society. Diabetes has become the most common dis- ease worldwide. Guess what? It has nothing to do with the consumption of sugar at all! Diabetes is caused by a buildup of fat in the muscle cells which causes insulin re- sistance. Stop asking if someone has the sugars, diabetes is not caused by eating sugar. And no you can’t catch it
from Grammy and Papa.
“ Milk does a body good!” Does it really? How good is milk for you? Do you even know what’s in milk? Let’s think of it as scabs and sperm. The FDA regulates the amount of pus and sperm allowed in milk. Next time you pour milk over that cereal, you’ll think twice. There’s no mystery to the reason why our children are so much big- ger today than they were let’s say 60 years ago. We be-
lieve in Trends and fads and what is most prevalent in that society or for that time frame and doing so we are causing ourselves to be somewhat brainwashed

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