Page 29 - Provoke Mag Vol2
P. 29

   Nicole Thomas 29
  What the Hell is going ON?
into thinking that whatever is being adver-
tised is what is best for us and our families. Did you know
the government actually funds or sponsors a lot of these food or- ganizations that contribute to a lot of the disease or disease-causing factors? The government also does not want you to know that they helped to fund and sponsor a lot of these organizations or food or- ganizations that have cancer-causing or other illness causing prop- erties. If you visit any Health Organization websites they neglect to inform you of certain diseases and medical conditions that are associated with the foods in which we eat on a daily basis. Which brings me back to the fact that everybody is looking for the Mighty Dollar! in order for a company to stay in business they have to keep selling products and goods, no matter if it causes health issues. One out of every four people die of cancer. One out of every three from diabetes. Talk about trends, this is a trend that I don’t want to have to go through or experience myself nor do I want that for my chil- dren. Remember you are what you eat, so if you’re putting toxins in your body you can expect to have those health issues. If we eat a plant-based diet we would be better off. Plants don’t eat other plants however animals eat other animals that have eaten other animals that probably ate something that they should not have eaten and whatever the contents are in the last animal is going into your body. So just know if the last thing you ate was a zebra you could have a little bit of Simba in your food. It’s the circle of life! Humans are not at the top of the food chain we are considered omnivores. We eat both plants and animals. On the same mid-level as pigs and ancho- vy. What’s at the top of the food chain are predators that eat only meat so guess what that means if it comes between you and a lion or a tiger you are food. It’s funny how they say watch what you eat that’s exactly what lions and tigers and crocodiles do they watch what they eat. Unfortunately, humans do not watch what they eat, this is precisely why food consumption, and poor diet, has become the onset of most common diseases and medical conditions most people face today. You are what you eat, eventually, the more that
you consume the greater the health risk.

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