Page 17 - Provoke Mag Vol6
P. 17
en·abler noun
1. one that enables another to achieve an end; especial- ly: one who enables another to persist in self-destruc- tive behavior (as substance abuse,careless spending, promising and then refusing to work, ) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the conse- quences for such behavior, bad decisions and poor choices.
2. A woman that financially supports and sometimes houses a Finnado 3. Low self esteem, Low self worth, 4. A woman that sees a “finnado” as a pet project.
Are these women the product of the environment created at home during their upbringing? Were these women, as little girls, made to shoulder the burden of mother-like responsibilities to assist their mothers with raising their younger siblings? Over time, did it just become second nature to take care of the man if her life? Did taking care of the FinnaDo become an extension of her home life and childhood?
Some women believe the FinnaDo is a very low main- tenance, somewhat safer emotional investment. The
FinnaDo comes without any complaints, expectations, or demands for her to go to gym. You can link his silence to the fact that he’s not bringing anything to the table. This fact provides him absolutely no leverage to demand anything. Him being financially dependent on the female enabler gives her the comfort of control and the nurtur- ing satisfaction of being needed. I think sometimes it’s just a comfort level and being content with what she is accustomed to. She’s been with a particular “Finnado” for so many years, that she’s either afraid to start over and end up with another “Finnado” just with a different name or she don’t want to be bothered with the hassles of the preparations of being back on the market. She may also believe that if she leaves him he will finally change and someone else will reap the benefits of all she went through. It’s viewed by some women that she loses, but it just depends on which is more important to the individ- ual, time or money? 17