Page 36 - Provoke Mag Vol6
P. 36
Alex Ryan
All My Life, The Casting Couch
By: Masako Mai
I have been acting since I was five years old. All too common the actor on the couch Jimmie Kimmel, El- len DeGeneres, Conan O’Brien says to us-the viewers: there is nothing else I have ever thought of doing out- side of acting. Performance is in my genes; although the couch has yet to come to the interview and audience to witness the performance is very much alive. No formal training under his belt the authenticity at which the characters come alive is very much real. Florida-born Alex Ryan, called by me, Jack Ryan has a gift in phonet- ics. Learning through sight and sound, he comes alive by continually working on his character from the mo- ment he receives the script and throughout the filming process.
Characters are continually evolving, and Alex Ryan takes his craft seriously as evolution “Show Me Your Friends, I’ll Show You Your Future.” The intention be- hind living a life of truth and adoration is held tightly to the bosom of the sage. Psychologists say there are five types of people in the world. The five-factor model in personality traits are conscientiousness, extrover- sion, agreeableness, openness to experience, and neu- roticism. What category does the character actor fall under? The acting of Alex Ryan falls under the open- ness to experience. The stories we watch in film and on stage is very much like the story of life. Is the storyline real and possible? Are the viewers capable of getting lost within the story?
With a budding theatrical scene, cinematic players are finding a home with their artistic craft in their own backyard. Alex Ryan plays a drug dealing, lady loving, murderous Brit named Pence in a cinematic thriller from the local director, Troy Kimble, called Mr. Time. The movie is about a sociopath with a psychopathic personality. Pence works for the sociopath. Within the film, Pence, the role played by Alex Ryan, decides he wants the power and loyalty for himself before he is
next on the list to die by the hands of the sociopath, Mr. Time. Provoke Magazine wanted to know if He is anything like the characters he plays and responds that sometimes his life does seem a bit demanding; howev- er, there is nothing more he would rather be doing than being on-set and so to merge the two would be a dream come true.
As a reoccurring role of Judas Iscariot in the stage pro- duction of The Passover, in Peaster, TX he is the polar opposite as one of the greatest heartbreaks he fills is let- ting his colleagues down. He seems to always bring a be- lievable character to his roles for his castmates to have an authentic expression playing the scene with him. Currently, without representation, he has been getting his roles through word-of-mouth, and social media cast listings. For his future, he hopes to have an agent in one of the broader markets of Atlanta and Los Angeles. The more people you know, the pool of relationships expand. As of right now, he is in production for the web series Washington’s Armor, playing a French Soldier where a young George Washington fights for his life in the wil- derness against the fierce Nisqually Tribe.
When asked about the roles that have been more de- manding, he recalls a film regarding the Holocaust by the 635 Group: N2 Death & Beyond where he died by starva- tion in a study of the human experience facing death. The openness to experience the scenes allowed him to expe- rience many emotions of hopelessness, loss, flashbacks of being in love with his bride with an abundance of joy. The segments were filmed simultaneously, and once again Alex Ryan spoke in accent delivering an excellent performance. I hope to be in the film business, all my life. Any aspect will do.