Page 47 - Provoke Magazine Vol3
P. 47

   It’s no secret that tea of- fers a variety of health benefits. This refresh- ing ancient beverage has been used in health and medicine for years. But you’d be surprised just how many health benefits each different kind of tea has to of- fer. According to John Herman in his Giz- modo article “What Is Tea?” “tea is an in- fusion (of) a bunch of dried leaves” from the Camellia sinensis plant that are steeped in wa- ter, “which releases all kinds of great stuff” like vitamins and an- tioxidants. Because of this, tea offers benefits such as: reduced risk of diseases, Wcancer prevention, weight loss, bone strengthening, mood boosting and so much more.
There are many types of herbal teas, including chamomile, echinacea, hibiscus, rooibos and more. Each kind is com- posed of either herbs, fruits, seeds or a com- bination, and while they don’t have powerful antioxidant properties like the previous forms of tea do, WebMD sug- gests they may “help to shed pounds, stave off colds, and bring on restful sleep,” depend- ing on which kind you consume. Many herbal teas also often do not contain caffeine.
Thyme tea is a less com- mon type of tea that, according to organic-, can be widely beneficial to anybody who is not prone to nausea and who is not sensitive to plants in the mint family, Lamiace- ae. The presence of the powerful antioxidant thymol, as well as “high levels of vitamin C, vi- tamin A, copper, iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, carvacol, pyridoxine, and nu- merous potent antiox- idant compounds” al- low thyme tea to offer the following benefits: menstrual cramps relief, indigestion relief, im- proved cognition, sleep aid, infection preven- tion, a boosted immune system and more.
       WHITE TEA
White tea is a great al- ternative to black, green and oolong teas for those who are interest- ed in the benefits of tea but are sensitive to caf- feine. White tea does contain caffeine, but far less than that of other kinds of tea. It also of- fers a variety of benefits including: promotion of cardiovascular health, improved oral health, strong antioxidant properties, anti-ag- ing properties, healthy skin promotion and, according to organic-, antibacterial properties that “protect the body from various infection-causing bac- teria.” LIVESTRONG. com also suggests that white tea may be more effective at cancer pre- vention than green tea.

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