Page 49 - Provoke Magazine Vol3
P. 49
10 missed calls
3 voicemails
6 new text
I slid my notification screen down to see what all the hype was about. 1 missed call was from my mom and the rest were Weston. All the voicemails were from him and 5 of the text were from him. I sat on the bed ready to understand this new guy that had arrived while I had been dating the body dweller for the past semester.
Wes: I am sorry for acting how I did. Please call me back Wes: Lu, I love you. There are things you don’t need to know everything about right now. Why RU not answering my calls.
Wes: I just drove by. R your friends telling U 2 leave me alone?
Wes: Call me back Luxe. Call me and I will tell U everything. Promise
Wes: ok fuck it. Be like that. Don’t try to call me after they put shit in your head.
As I feared he had went all the way left. I didn’t want to use any energy fighting. Then I thought you can’t just walk away from something you don’t have the full details on. I clicked the send call button it rang twice and then he picked up; “why the fuck are you just ignoring my calls, Lu? You act like I hit you in your mouth!” He had no greeting and I could tell he was furious. “I wasn’t by my phone, first off, Weston and second; why are you talking to me like this? I tried to talk earlier and got this same type of treatment. I don’t even know who you are.”
There was silence from both ends for what seemed like hours and he finally said, “when do you plan on leaving? We need to talk before you leave. Especially if you want to know what is going on. I don’t want your friends there either.” He said. I felt completely different towards him. Just break up with him and move on, no better time than now. But I am loyal and unperfect and I think everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves. Even if waiting for the messenger would be as unforgivable as shooting him. 49