Page 50 - Provoke Magazine Vol3
P. 50

The Power of thinking positive
 The ability to think positively amidst life challenges is easier said than done for most people. The power to think beyond one’s current circumstances boils down to one word, this simple yet profoundly liberating word is “Choice”. Knowing you have a choice and accepting your right to exercise your choice is another thing.
Life’s circumstances doesn’t create the person, but rather re- veal the individual to him/herself. Either you come to under- stand that you are more than a conqueror who was created with what you need to thrive on this earth or you will relish in victimhood.
Thinking positive allows us to focus on solutions instead of problems. In choosing to think positive. You understand that there is always an option no matter what is going on internally or externally.
When we understand that life is ten percent (10 %) what happens to us and ninety percent (90%) how we choose to react to what happens to us. Thinking positive becomes eas- ier as you are now able to hold yourself accountable for how you respond to the curve balls of life.
Thinking positive is a learned habit and needs to be taught at home. In some families, negative thinking patterns are sometimes encouraged when a child does not get the atten- tion of parents until he or she has done something “wrong”. This behavior then becomes a repeated cycle.
The norm in our society is not to reinforce the positive, we are often bombarded with negative news on many platforms as it is at our fingertips in this age of instant gratification. The media ratings are based on the shock factor and pushing the envelope as far they can while exploiting the viewers. Neg- ative news sells, hence some people are of the mindset that
there is no such thing as negative publicity. Reality television also pro-ports these narratives as celebri- ties are paid based on how much shade they can throw and how far they will go to be the center of attention. One has to be intentional about what is allowed in their space.
This can create an attitude shift as you will see life is not as bad as it seems, you will then realize things could always be worse. I have personally learned to be grateful for life’s val- leys as the lessons are preparing me for the climb to my next level. After gratitude comes hope which in turns inspires ac- tions towards desired victories.
Next phase of positive thinking is to do more of what you enjoy, self-love/care is not selfish, it is a vital ingredient in order to thrive as this helps you to be centered and in turn leaves you better able to pour into those around you. En- courage yourself with positive affirmations and think good thoughts about yourself and others. Positive thinking also helps us get through physical ailments: as thinking about be- ing healed or what we are able to do during this time keeps us from lingering in the murky waters of self-pity.
The law of attraction supports the fact that we attract that which we are in life. Once you make it a habit to focus on the positive outcomes that you want in any given situation, you will then take the necessary step to accomplish said goal.
This by no means is saying that if you are in a situation that is abusive you attracted the abuse into your existence, while entrapment pain is real and can leave one feeling trapped and stuck. If you are reading this article and you are in an abusive relationship, please contact your local state agency that provides help in these situations.
Some people read self-help books and meditate, others be- lieve in a higher power and praying helps them. Exercising is also another way to awaken positivity intrinsically as this activity releases happy hormones called endorphins which trigger positive feelings in the body.
 The first step towards positive thinking begins with the attitude of gratitude. This is to begin your day naming at least three to five things that you are grateful for.
1. Waking up- another chance to create the life you desire. 2. Sound mind-the ability to decipher right/wrong.
3. Life’s struggles- this fortifies strength that births purpose. 4. The ability taste- appreciate one of the senses
5. Exhale deeply then inhale and feel your breath on your palms.
  Positive thinking places you in a better mood and a better moods mean more room for creative juices to flow. I will end by saying make the choice to choose you today by thinking positive.
Ayingi Kimble

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