Page 13 - Provoke.Mag.10
P. 13
Ashlee Fandrich
-Masako Mai
How many times in life have we heard the stress in our life will manifest in us through sickness? How many times in our life will be hear not to covet our neighbors’ life? How many times in our life will we discover that we are worthy of a love all our own; a home built out of love and respect; and a secret petition heart lived out loud? How many, how many times... Am I alone when I make the declaration, no more will I live a lie. No more will I poison myself. No more will I settle for less. I am worthy of love, honor, and respect.
Hurtful love is not unique to the carrier but here is the thing; love don’t hurt. Love is pure, kind, and nurtur- ing. Love allows us to grow where we are, to recognize we are royalty and we shall have a kingdom all our own. This means, no sharing of another’s husband; no over- eating to disappear; no working in a place that doesn’t work alongside with our natural gifts and talents.
Are you of those people constantly asking, what are you mixed with? Tired of the question, I’ll give you the answer before you ask. Mixed with German/Irish/Ital- ian my name is Ashlee Fundrich. Looking at my heri- tage, you would assume me to be a racist drinker with a bad temper. All stereotypes. I’m a lover. A lover of peo- ple, enterprise, motivation, and animals. Be raised in a seemingly happy home my father was a firefighter with anger issues; my ever-loving mother that loves to see others with a smile on their face. I wonder if that has anything to do with why she owns her own travel agen- cy... Travel makes people happy right? Generally, yes.
They’re divorced now and everyone is the happier for it but how many of us come from broken households together or not. It’s easier belonging to a broken home if you’re trying to work on healing. I’m big on self-help
but I wasn’t always practicing such. The first lesson on love is the one we see between our father and mother in the way they care for and treat one another. Some of us are from broken homes that stayed together and my ad- vice for each of us is to look to The Creator of Heaven and Earth for the perfect love that heals all wounds.
Growing up in Edmond, Oklahoma was a treat only those from Edmond can appreciate. Is it okay to expose my heart to you? My pain has helped me grow up to be a pretty dynamic woman. Don’t judge me, but my best friend and I have a child by the same guy months apart. He was our third best friend and before we entered a re- lationship, I asked my best friend if she was cool for, he and I to start a relationship. Before I carried my beautiful precious daughter, I found out she- the other friend was pregnant by him too. But WHY, I screamed. You gave me your blessing and then you go and sleep with him too. I forgive them both. The burden of hatred is too heavy a 13