Page 14 - Provoke.Mag.10
P. 14
burden to carry. Do you agree or disagree with the con- cept of no commitment being a curse?
Heart-broken, miserable, overweight, and mad I needed out and the only way I could get out was setting myself free. Not easy breaking all the bad habits but worth it. How did I do it? Social media was my library of self-help remedies and it started with the mind and then the physical body sometimes simultaneous some- times completely disconnected but I new I couldn’t give up on myself. I hated my life and loved me. Videos on positive affirmations, workout routines, and new foods began my new foundation for building the new me. It was hard at times what kept me going was knowing time was going to pass and how I lived was totally up to me. Life came down to the question, am I a champion or a loser? Champion is what I decided on. Not giving up on me and not giving up on my daughter, and for the future husband of mine, he will appreciate me when he finds me too.
Steps of growth: (1) find a workout plan (2) have healthy conversations with yourself (3) celibacy is awe- some (3) have a goal (4) repeat. When you love your- self, you teach others how to love you.
Before she took control of her life she was existing carrying weight of 260 pounds on a 5’5” too big for her frame.
It has taken her approximately two years and it is an ever present journey to take responsibility of having
a great attitude, meditating and praying daily, working out and meal prepping. Fat is a sign of loss of control. She recognizes life is a choice, how are you choosing to live yours? Now a business owner, mother of precious seven year old daughter, and dynamic love and respecter of self. Her goal is to always be better than her yesterday self; be in relationship with people who love, honor, and respect themselves as they will recognize her as well. Her advice to everyone going through something out there is it all begins with your attitude; whether you believe you can or not you are correct. We teach others how to love us by the way we love ourselves. And never stop thriving to live a life of excellence. Her daughter is best friends with the daughter of her best friend.
As far as the best friends in high school. Trio they are without the closeness that once held them so close. Like many movies’ life can sometimes imitate: her and her best friend have same age daughters that are best friends. Sex isn’t intimacy, friendship is and without honesty and integrity there is absolutely nothing but a group of people with their feelings hurt.
The ultimate goal is to one day own a sanctuary for animals, incorporated with a foster care home as the bro- ken are mended through the unconditional love often portrayed in animal-owner relationships. Hurt & Hurt cancels one another out when the Love of God covers all sins. God is love, God is real. Looking to buy a home, she can help you with your real estate needs.