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If He Loves You. Why Does He Cheat On You?
 There’s One Reason A Man Cheats
Jackson, Sandra Bullock, J-Lo, Beyoncé, Paula Patton, Jennifer Aniston, Eva Longoria, Britney Spears... and the list goes on. All of these beautiful, rich, famous and pow- erful women had to deal with infidelity.
How much hope do we have as regular women?
Men simply love variety. It does not mean he wants to leave you, nor doesn’t love you. He could want the secu- rity of your relationship he is committed too. However, he still has a need to hunt, and feed his ego. From the majority of the answers I received, I came to the same conclusion that men have a need to hunt, and a need to have their ego stroked.
I wondered that if every man feels this way, is this why it’s hard to find monogamy in long term relationships?
In my opinion, nothing makes a man or woman cheat. Cheating is a choice. The reasons will always vary based on the internal fortitude of that person and his/her mor- als or values. A man could simply want something new. Men have the need to have variety. His ego is built on how well he performs sexually to please a woman. It could be that men simply want to find out how many women they can get to love them in bed. It is not about him starting a new relationship. It could simply be a need to hunt.
How does a man in a committed relationship fulfill his need to hunt, and satisfy his ego?
Men mainly conceal their motives from, and lie to the people that can immediately impact their lives either positively or negatively. The people we most commonly conceal our motives from and lie to will be our bosses, parents, children, and last but not least, our spouses and mates. Ladies, don’t beat yourselves up wondering why you didn’t measure up, or evaluate the other woman’s ap- pearance. More than likely she is a new thrill for him that satisfies his need to hunt, provide him variety, and poten- tially be able to give him the ego boost he must have.
-Kimika Foster
Women have you ever had a man cheat on you?
Did you ever blame yourself?
Did you ever feel like you did something wrong to cause him to cheat on you?
Have you ever looked at the oth- er woman and wondered what he saw in her, and not you?
Did you ever wonder why did he cheat on me with someone who I feel I look better than?
  Most women feel it was something she did or didn’t do to cause him to stray. Women believe that if a man con- tinues to cheat on his woman, he can’t possibly love her. When researching this topic, I found the following reason as the leading cause to why men cheat.
I asked men to explain: “What makes a man cheat?” I received several answers from the men that were sur- veyed. “Some men do it because the other woman makes him feel better, or believes in him more than his girlfriend/wife, and makes him feel like the king of the castle even though that castle is not his.” and “Men have chased women from the beginning to death asking a man if he wants more variety is like asking if he wants more money.” Also one man admitted, “My wife makes me cheat because she won’t do what I want her to do in the bedroom or I can rationalize, and say I choose to cheat because she won’t have sex with me the way I want her to.” Only one man admitted that his girl- friend/wife did not have to be doing anything wrong he simply just wanted new sex. “I personally believe a woman doesn’t have to do anything wrong for a man to cheat on her”.
Is a man built for monogamy? Is it feasible to expect a man to only desire the attention from his spouse for the rest of his life?
A woman can be beautiful, rich, famous and powerful and that still won’t stop a man from trying to satisfy his ravenous and insatiable appetite for new sexual ex- periences with new women. Just ask Halle Berry, Janet

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