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own marriage and we asked ourselves how is marriage survived. We realized that our saving grace was the fact that Steve’s parents were marriage counselors and they did check-ins with us. So many couples do not have any- one that they can talk to. The Myx is a network of mar- ried couples whose true desire is to beat the statistical odds of divorce. The Myx addresses taboo issues held on and gives a couple of practical tools to help create and sustain healthy marriages.
Bobbi, what can wives do to keep their marriage sexy, excit- ing, lit, etc?
Giiiirl, go get a Brazilian wax! Keep your nails and hair done. Workout. Read. Pray. Have your own friends. Bot- tom line is self-care. Your husband married you because he loves YOU. Do not lose yourself! There is nothing sexier than a confident woman. It is easy to be confident when you’re going after your dreams and taking care of yourself. But don’t make your self-care selfish. Make sure your husband knows that it is also about him. Wear the
dress that he likes. Do that thing in the bed that he likes. Refresh your panty drawer with new lingerie and just put some on out of the blue and set it off! Make him feel like a king. Do not get boring, Sis!
Steve, how can husbands do the same?
I agree with Bobbi 100% Stay spontaneous. Study your wife. Take her out on dates. Workout. Be a leader in your house. Learn new things (women love smart guys). Always show affection to your wife whether it’s a simple I love you, a compliment or touching her butt in the kitchen. Continue to pursue her like you did when you were dating.
As you two know, no one has a perfect marriage, but we can have a healthy marriage. I believe married couples easily get caught up in trying to appear perfect while ig- noring problems that lead to many other issues. What can you share with couples in terms of how to maintain a healthy marriage? What would you say to engaged cou- ples, the struggling marriage striving to be a good mar- riage, the good marriages that want to be great, and mar- riages on the brink of divorce?
Our number one piece of advice is to get sound, god- ly counsel. We strongly believe in pre and post-mari- tal counseling. We would not be here if it were not for people pouring wisdom into our marriage. Also, sur- round your marriage with other couples that are de- termined to stay together. Finally, find the mission the two of you are supposed to accomplish together and go after it with all you’ve got. Learn great communication skills and use those skills to talk to one another.
What final words would you like to share with anyone considering marriage?
Unfortunately, we live in a society that tells us that marriage is outdated and old fashioned. In reality, marriage is the most fulfilling relationship that we can experience. Yes, it is hard. Yes, there will be times when you want out. But remember that nothing worth hav- ing ever comes easy and marriage is definitely worth having. No matter how bad it has gotten in your mar- riage, there is still hope. Aside from some abusive and toxic situations, we believe that with intentionality, any marriage can thrive. Our own marriage was on life support at one time and we made it through. Join The Myx or another network of couples and FIGHT for your union!
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