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Core Values:
- Be true to self before anyone
- Committed to helping others who are less fortunate
- Committed to being honest and having integrity
- Committed to working hard and being consistent
- Belief in God and spirituality
- Belief that family is important
- Belief that honesty is always the best policy and trust must be earned - Belief in maintaining a healthy work/life balance
What’s the audience do/are you planning to captivate, impact, touch?
I believe that I have the ability to have an impact on all races and ages, with a strong commitment to wom- en, particularly with teenagers, age 16, up to women, in their 40’s; high schoolers, working class, fly girls, and those who are looking to be “red carpet” in looks, with my exclusive designs.
At this point, is there any pivotable or noted (moment in) time while you’ve been growing, you wish you could place in a time capsule and never lose?
My ability to love, motivate, inspire and give back to others no matter my own personal circumstances. That is my purpose, hence me creating the program called Acts of Kindness, A Cinderella Truly Story [A.C.T.S]. The mentoring program has a keen focus on building confidence, character, and skill (i.e., image, entrepre- neurship, public speaking, etc), also educating on the power of working in numbers.
What are the key motivators, to continue?
Living a life that allows me to see the world helps me continue. Ultimately, I’d like to travel the world and give back to those who are in need. Life motivates me, the good and bad. My children and family motivate me. My biggest motivator is being remembered for the things I’ve left behind for my children and generations to come. Generational wealth is what motivates to keep going, and to never give up--just believing that I am a winner, even when I fail.
In terms of providing service and experience, what differ- entiates YNV and you from others in the fashion world?
My ability to connect with others where they current- ly are, and help them to see beyond that, is what dif- ferentiates me. Often, women suffer from a multitude of issues, such as insecurity and lack of confidence, mainly because they never had anyone to show them or tell them that they are beautiful -- no matter their race, size, creed. I believe we are all special and beau- tiful, in our own way. So, not only will my brand cater 32
to women of all sizes and races, but it also subliminal- ly speaks positivity to the mind and heart. Say it slowly! “Y-N-V?” We hope to bring awareness to self-hatred and envy, especially in the minority community. YNV is not just fashion but a fashion statement.
Website -
Mother of two, Tori Cage realized she is a natural giver choosing to walk in her purpose, daily. Right now, she is totally independent. She believes she has been afforded many fortified relationships that keep her encouraged, to forge on with extreme confidence and faith, to reach the highest peak of the mountain. Every time she has the opportunity, Tori’s great affinity to women is shown, es- pecially through that of stewardship, giving her time and experiences. This is all for the betterment of women and society. Annually, she offers mentorship opportunities [A.C.T.S], selecting 5 high school student young wom- en transitioning into adulthood. These women regularly rally around one another, educating and reinforcing em- powerment amongst each other. Her nature also impacts her family, through small and large gesture, ultimately rewarding Tori Cage.
A woman of this caliber, who spreads love to all women, you must wonder what motivates her. Daily, she listens to keynote/motivational speakers, such as Stormy Welling- ton, Les Brown, and Steve Harvey. She motivates herself to take on every day. She believes it starts with you! With every “no”, there’s always been another “yes” for her to become molded into a finer jewel, creating more like her. Tori Cage –
“A woman who sees the beauty in all people and things”. “A ‘Queen’, one who bares no qualms when it comes to uplifting, motivating, inspiring and helping others see and reach their fullest potential”.
You can support her at either of the sites following: Facebook: Tori Cage
Instagram: tori_cage