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- Masako Mai
Maya Angelou said it best, “there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” How do we get to a place in our lives to live our authentic truth? When it comes to the question of what are you eating, how are you exercis- ing, and what are you wearing? You may answer unequiv- ocally with a laundry list of grocery items, an overwhelm- ing explanative of, “I don’t exercise,” and the last thing you took off before settling into the couch to watch the news. Although all these things are superficially right, the depth of the question answered is analytically superficial.
Changing the narrative begins with you telling your au- thentic story and superficially could be damaging your present day and future. What you are eating implies the idea of who you are by what you are consuming through so- cial media, history, and unhealthy relationships. Watching, listening, and consumption is how you are exercising your time. What you are wearing is the labels placed on you by your past. We are here to show you how to create a new sto- ry by surrendering old mindsets; no longer rewarding the unrewardable. The circle has been turned inside out, where the outsiders are now the new inside.
Dr. Omai Kofi is Hitting Like A Girl with Masako Mai and here is what she has to say in an Analysis of Evolution. As a mentor to leaders across the board leadership is a position held within every organization large or small. What sepa- rates the good from the great is the ability to understand and execute a do or die mentality. Mediocrity is a place where the soil isn’t fertile. Nothing grows in an environment that isn’t chosen. Sustainability exists within a chosen field of truth that lies within the core of existence. In the history
Dr. Omai Kofi
of discovering what matters to the person, she says, the way to determine your highest self is getting intimate with that which makes you angry. Angry is beautiful as it is kerosene that ig- nites your fire that will burn until there is a change within the environment, within the culture, within the shift of your par- adigm. Dying to an old self-old set of beliefs provokes change in the person to operate in a deliberate and intentional basis. Anger, raw energy, adrenaline is to be respected; it is synony- mous with the term assertive, changing the narrative holds the responsibility for you to tell your truth through your experi- ence. History has shown us everyone’s understanding isn’t the same due to the platform; however, actions dictate the story that will be told. If you do not like policy, become the poli- tician. Newton’s Laws of Motion state: First Law, objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to re- main at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force; Second Law, force equals mass times acceleration; Third Law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What makes you angry? Here in lies the answer to your unasked question. Change comes about with courage, “without courage we can- not practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” -Maya Angelou
With an extensive background in excellence, I encourage you to visit Dr. Omai’s website for nutritious golden nuggets of goodness that will encourage a healthy appetite of living a life of purpose. Get her book: Brainwashed Into Wealth and sub- scribe to I agree with her mes- sage of, “Now Matters Now.” She is CoFounder of Got Fund- ed, and Speaker on Just Pay Me. We welcome your stories of how you are Hitting Like A Girl; leadership training with Dr. Omai Kofi is available, you better reach her before she goes on sabbatical June 4th through July 4th. Catch her on CBS ONE Nightly 8 PM, THE OMAI SHOW featuring Dr. Omai Kofi. You cut your hair now what? It is said when the hair on your head is allowed to attain its full, mature length, then phos- phorous, calcium, and vitamin D are all produced, and enter the lymphatic fluid, and eventually the spinal fluid through the two ducts on the top of the brain. This ionic change creates more efficient memory and leads to enhanced physical ener- gy, improved stamina, and patience. Omai cut her hair three consecutive times shaved bald. The beauty and freedom of her natural right to be self she welcomes in her inherent truth. She noticed an increase in male attraction. Celebrating her open eyes, jawline, and the truth is very empowering. Changing the narrative is essential to you as her Brainwashed Into Wealth programs are for people looking to raise their financial IQ and go from poverty to six-figures and beyond with Omai Net- work Entertainment (O.N.E).

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