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Man’s Best Friends: BBQ, Beer & Football
 The month of August is here and with the anticipat- ed football season fast approaching, the fellas around the country are in a frenzy debating prior scores, stats and making predictions on the upcoming year. The testosterone fueled competitions will begin to fire up like Oklahoma thunderstorms in May. Competitive discussions surrounding who is king of the smoker, who can guzzle the most beer, and who has the man- liest mancave will be commonplace within the male communities across the nation.
With no further ado, I will jump right into man’s first best friend; the ‘cue. Being the course of choice for tailgating for over a century, it is also one of the most popular foods devoured at backyard cookouts on game day. The time a man invests in his barbecue, from the store to the plate, measures a quality and sense of pride that is the basis of his competitive argument and always makes him feel as though his barbecue ranks highest amongst his peers. Nothing means more to a man than his chicken, steaks, links and his ribs as these are his man meats. As we all know there is no better way to start a Saturday or Sunday off than with the sweet smell of coals burning, the sound of meat sizzling and the ice-cold taste of your favorite beer.
- Michael Wall
Every man has their own sense of what is essential to the perfect beer. Whether it be the sweet, full bodied and fruity taste of an ale, the clean, crisp taste of a lager, or the multiple flavors and aromas of malts, this favorite pas- time of old is just another ingredient to the perfect game day cookout. No matter what your taste, the brewski is the ultimate marinade that flavors the day.
With bellies full of barbecue and half-full of beer, it is now time to head to the comfort of man’s pride and joy: the mancave. The one area of home where most women dare not go due to the high testosterone-fueled environ- ment. This is the place that holds all the amenities of your local sports bar minus the tab. An essential part of any mancave is at least sixty inches of high definition television on the wall equipped with the best football package available to send men into a frenzy. Regardless of its competitive nature, all that truly matters is family, friends and the game. Kickoff is right around the corner. Hurry up and place your bets!! IT’S FOOTBALL SEA- SON!!! 9

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