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Few companies in the interiors
industry can claim to have the history,
expertise and commitment that we
possess across an extensive range of
consultancy, interior design, fit-out,
furnishing and support services.
Gannon O ce Solutions has over three Site Audit: We conduct a site survey
decades of experience in designing to identify existing services and
and delivering innovative o ce work highlight any structural or building
spaces. At your request, or for a really issues.
special or challenging project, we will Workplace Audit: We identify all
work with a number of local architects workflows, evaluate the current o ce
and interior designers to create clever layout and highlight the areas that are
and beautiful areas. working and those that require a
Design & Space Planning Process: Consultation: We sit down with key
A well-designed workspace is stakeholders and determine their
essential. In the design and space exact needs.
planning process we combine our Concept Generation: After the
experience and knowledge of consultation process, we come up
Malt House, ergonomic data with your needs to with a concept for the area. the
arrive at a comfortable and safe
Dublin working environment that also serves customer’s input, the original
your business objectives. proposal is then revised until the
optimal design is achieved.