Page 19 - Return to School Guidelines Jan 2021
P. 19

Chippewa Valley Schools
                                            Return to School Additional Resources


                                          Chippewa Valley COVID Nurse

          Please call the District COVID Nurse at 586-723-2188 if a student or staff member has an exposure
          to a positive COVID person, a positive COVID test, or symptoms related to COVID.

          Examples when to call the District COVID Nurse:

          Exposure to a Positive COVID Person:
             •  A person in the household has tested positive for COVID.
                        The student or staff member will need to be in quarantine for 10 days, which starts
                        from their last close contact to the positive person.  If they cannot be isolated,
                        their quarantine will start after the isolation period of the positive person.

             •  The student or staff member was with a friend or family member that tested positive for
                 COVID 48 hours before their onset of symptoms.
                        Example: A student/staff
                        member was with a friend or
                        family member on Saturday, and
                        they further develop symptoms
                        on Sunday or Monday and later
                        tested positive.

          Symptoms Related to COVID or a COVID Test

             •  Symptoms possibly related to COVID:
                 congestion, runny nose, fever, new
                 onset of cough, shortness of breath,
                 fever, vomiting/nausea, abdominal
                 pain, cold/flu like symptoms and/or
                 new loss of taste or smell.

             •  A pending COVID result for the student
                 or staff member.

          Travel Plans

             •  Any travel via airplane.
             •  Any travel with a visit to a mass
                 gathering (amusement park, cruise ship, concert, parade, etc.).

          Updated 1.11.21
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